Protecting The Unborn: Some Good News At Last

After seemingly endless demonstrations, signs, and shouts from those supporting abortion anytime, including, unbelievably, even at the moment of birth, in some Democrat-controlled jurisdictions, finally comes some positive news from those who support the sanctity of human life. We’ve heard about the far-to-many, illegal, “sanctuary cities” in Democrat-controlled municipalities around … read more

American “Ideals” Gibberish

Progressive Democrat “ideals” have now galloped so far to the left that they’re no longer even visible on the computer screen.  Even worse, if that’s possible, when only that generic word is used as a place-holder, rather than having to actually remember and speak of our real national ideals, which … read more

Absolutely Ridiculous

President Trump has been called everything but a son of God.  The name-calling comes from incredibly-full-of-themselves media commentators, entertainers, academic types, and even politicians.  One recent example of the latter.  South Carolina Democrat Senator, James Clyburn, during a campaign stop in his home state, referenced Hitler (joining the historically-ignorant crowd) … read more


Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren has, again, had her common sense removed and replaced with a purely leftist-socialist political implant.  This was once again in view during her recent appearance at a CNN Town Hall in Mississippi. Among her other leftist bloviations, Senator Warren urged elimination of the Electoral College, a … read more


Radical Leftist/Budding Marxist Democrats in the House have recently dropped an A-Bomb of a proposal on our nation, an accurate descriptive given the immense destruction to our country, our systems, and traditions it cherishes.  This anti-America, federal government-uber-alles power-grab, is entitled the “Green New Deal.” Revealing the charade, in reality, … read more

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