Intended Consequences

While self-inflated political and Hollywood-types proclaim that ICE should be eliminated and, taking their ill-conceived cue, thousands of the equally mis-guided demonstrate, some violently, for the dissolution of ICE.  Such an action, which is NOT going to happen, would trigger the intended consequence of unprotected borders, opening the flooded gates … read more

Separation Anxiety

The news the major media can’t seem to get enough of lately is the issue of children being separated from their parent(s) who broke long-standing U.S. law by entering our country, not at a designated entry point (requesting amnesty), without legal permission, and are being detained for prosecution.  The practice, … read more

Bonfire of the Lefties

The leftwing chorus, along with their national media soulmates, are fanning the flames of the fire they’ve purposely set regarding the practice, prescribed by Congressional law, that now-illegal children are to be separated from their now-illegal parent(s) when they have entered our country illegally and the adult(s) are being held … read more


This day of reverence and reflection continues to be one of our nation’s most solemn tributes. It is the day I consider to be the most sacred of our secular observances. It is the specific time of the year that we set aside to honor and remember all those brave … read more

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