Bonkers, Blather, Blunders, & Buffoons #12

Apparently distracted while concentrating his focus on our northern border to make darn sure none of them pesky Canadians try to sneak into our country, meanwhile to his surprise, reportedly over 750,000+ illegal aliens have come across that other border, the southern one (who knew?), and have been released into … read more

The Progressive “Pirates” of D.C.

In days of old, pirates, by vocational definition, stole stuff.  Traditionally, piracy was accomplished by accosting and robbing ships on the high seas, reveling in the harsh reality and profitability of denying others their goods, even sometimes their lives.  High seas escapades, which were always terrifying to those who were … read more

Smart Talk #8

With the administration’s announced intent to end Title 42 (originally intended COVID protection for Americans) and cease, it appears, any limitations at all on illegal immigrant entry via our southwest border, Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott is planning a novel and most appropriate partial solution to the impending and unprecedented … read more

Open Southwest Border: Purposeful Surrender

While some of our attention is directed lately to the invaded Ukraine border, far more of our focus should return to what’s happening, and what’s about to, at our own politically-porous southwest border. The number of illegal migrant entries, both those apprehended and those who continue to sneak through, is … read more

Bonkers, Blather, Blunders, & Buffoons #11

Time, already, for another edition of Quad-B, courtesy, in good part, of the administration working overtime to be featured. In the previous 12-months through February, the Fed’s inflation gauge hit 6.4%, said to be the highest level in forty years.  The primary fault… not Putin, not COVID, not the supply … read more

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