Bonkers, Blather, Blunders & Buffoons #41
In a recent New York Times interview, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) actually claimed that fewer illegal migrants came into our country during Mr. Biden’s term in office than during President-elect Trump’s first term. With that rouge assertion, her Pinocchio nose must have doubled in length. An absolutely unbelievable falsehood. Yes, while migrants were admitted during the comparatively tightened southern border security characterizing President Trump’s term, the number was no where near the multi-millions of illegals who’ve continually poured over our border during the regrettable four years of our purposely open border(s) situation under Mr. Biden’s politically welcoming policy. It’s beyond belief that Mrs. Pelosi could make such a claim in the face of absolute numeric reality. But, bless her heart. Perhaps it’s time for the Congresswoman to get more rest and re-bead her abacus. Footnote: Over 223,000 illegal migrants have been transported to New York City, alone, since 2022, which is double the population of Albany, New York, the state’s capital!
On the ever-unpopular subject of biological men playing in women’s sports, former White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated that men participating in women’s athletics is not “a threat to safety or fairness.” However, that’s not according to genuine female players who see the very real threat of both. Especially true when it comes to fairness in the minds of women who have lost medals to competitor feMales in individual sports (swimming, track, etc.). Out west, women’s collegiate volleyball teams are currently forfeiting matches to San Jose State, at great competitive cost, due to fear of possible injury (i.e., from spiking) on the part of one particular “female” player on the San Jose team, who quote probably still stands up to urinate. Said Psaki in full: “There are just incredibly few examples of transgender girls playing in youth sports. And when we see those examples, there isn’t evidence that these kids are a threat to safety or fairness.” The issue here isn’t so much about “kids,” as it is about young women of college age or beyond. It’s simply neither fair nor socially acceptable for biological men to be allowed to compete in women’s sports, whether team or individual events. Transitioning from boxers to panties doesn’t make it OK, regardless of ultra-lib beliefs and policies which, thanks to Donald Trump’s election, are now firmly on the back burner.
Well, yes, thank heavens, America still does have a national “climate envoy” and out from the hollowing winds, rain, snow, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and blistering heat, in other words, “Weather,” our previous envoy, John Kerry re-emerges. Said he, at a recent Harvard forum: “I think personally we’re on the brink of needing to declare a climate emergency, which is what we really have. And we need to get people to behave as if this really is a major transitional challenge to the whole planet, everybody.” Early this year, Kerry chose to depart from his subdued envoy role to work on Joe Biden’s assumed re-election campaign, turning the now largely invisible role over to Democrat veteran John Podesta. But aside from the envoy change, the non-scientific inevitable fact remains: “No matter what the weather does, it is always our fault. And the only solution is to expand the government’s power.” And that’s the reality of this ever-more taxpayer expensive, progressive political ploy. More centralized power and control, regardless of validity.
And finally for this edition of the 4B’s, thankfully Donald Trump has won the election and will once again be our President (as he should have been 4-years ago!), after these last four years of Democrat imposed domestic and international incompetence, to include the disastrous, totally unnecessary hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan. While we conservatives have counted our election blessings with a great sigh of relief, liberals on the other hand, have expressed their disappointment and disbelief in some unusual ways, including at least some liberal women who, we’re told, have chosen sterilization so as to avoid possibly bringing a child into a Trump World.
For a lesser, non-surgical way to deal with their apparent intense frustration, about two dozen women in Wisconsin, along with a couple of confused-looking males, gathered recently at a state park near Lake Michigan, not to drown their sorrows, but rather to employ their seldom used freedom of speech right to simply scream. Yep, a line of unhappy women spent a few self-fulling moments yelling at the top of their likely-surprised lungs out across the still-calm, non-reacting water. Wrote one of the screamers in a FB post about the novel pent-up anger display: “What a gorgeous morning to gather and engage in a primal scream in order to release our pain and frustration after the election.” One would have to agree that letting it all out with a primal scream for a few moments is certainly far better for Wisconsin and the nation, than setting fire to stuff. Hopefully their neighborhoods will be peaceful, smoke-free, and quieter now.
(Fact Sources: Mrs. Pelosi migrant math problem via, Ryan Saavedra, 11-10-24; NYC migrants double the population of Albany via, Craig McCarthy & Emily Crane, 11-18-24; Jen Psaki’s view regarding men participating in women’s sports via, Ryan Saavedra, 11-17-24; Climate control ‘emergency’ is all about government power via, Elizabeth Weibei, 11-26-24 and, John Hinderaker, 11-30-24; Liberal Wisconsin women gather near Lake Michigan to scream away their election frustrations via, Andrea Margolis, 11-27-24).