Memorial Day 2022

Monday, May 30th, is this year’s official day for we Americans to remember our fellow military men and women who, through the decades, have fallen in combat for all eternity.  Lives sacrificed, young lives, mainly, denied the futures we’ve been mercifully granted; lives selflessly given in the defense of our … read more

AMERICA FIRST …. Apparently Not!

Lib-Democrats, and their Progressive order-givers, are “working around the clock” (just like the WH claims to now be doing, as it way-too-belatedly tries to solve the baby food crisis) to pull all of the remaining plugs out of America’s now hole-filled sea-wall, as more and more figurative ocean water comes … read more

Good News About Good Americans #2

Marine Corps veteran and eleven-year Utah sanitation worker, Don Gardner, recently displayed his continuing pride in America.  On his regular route, he came upon a crumpled American flag that had been tossed into a curbside garbage can.  After spotting the flag, Mr. Gardner retrieved it and took the time to … read more

Smart Talk #9

You are likely well-aware that Title 42, a public health order used to turn illegal migrants back at the southern border, is due to be abandoned in another week by the Biden administration, opening the flood gates to a super-surge of illegals once again.  Fortunately, that decision to abandon the … read more

DHS Disinformation ‘Ironing’ Board

United States Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has announced the creation of something labeled the Disinformation Governing Board.  With full faith and trust in this current administration (show of hands), this group, under the no-doubt unlikely-even-handed direction of a reported ultra-lib, will make darn certain that all the … read more

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