Bonkers, Blather, Blunders and Buffoons #28

According to a recent Pew Poll, “trust in the federal government is near a 70-year low, with Americans saying they’re exhausted by the division and disgusted with both major political parties.”  Within this poll, 65% of our citizens say that “they are always or often feel exhausted when thinking about … read more

Smart Talk #22

According to a June (2023) PEW Research poll, “73% of U.S. (smart) adults think illegal immigration is a moderately or very big problem.” Along with stubborn and punitive rampant inflation, our ‘ya’ll come’ open Southern border (now our Northern one as well), are the two current biggest national problems irritating, … read more

Patriot Day 2023

September 11 is a special day set aside each year so that we might focus on, and remember, all of those innocent Americans who perished on that infamous day back in 2001, when, literally out of the blue, Middle Eastern terrorist ‘passengers’ managed to overtake the pilots on two regularly … read more