No Borders, No Nation

The Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Minnesotan Keith Ellison, feels that our borders, the southern one in particular, represent an “injustice” to Mexican citizens, because it prevents free access to the United States; prevents the freedom to go back and forth across the border for work, among those … read more

“Microaggressions,” My Keester!

Good heavens, when will all of this nonsense stop?  Given the very real societal upheaval and damage done to the fabric of our country through the concerted  efforts, during the 2008-2016 time-frame, it may not.  Regrettably, it’s not only possible that the damage-generating nonsense may not cease, it may get … read more

Unspeakable Tragedy Times Two

All murders are tragic.  Along with those elsewhere, the citizens of Chicago seem to be experiencing this on an unthinkable scale these past few weekends.  Persons fatally shot, the loss known and felt only by their families, while remaining largely anonymous to the nation at large.  But sometimes individual murders … read more

Taking A Knee, For Something Or Other

Recently, an 11-year-old girl made the news for the self-serving, dishonoring gesture, of kneeling during her classroom’s recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.  A classic case of a youngster imitating what she had seen, or heard about, being practiced most prominently, of course, by several multi-millionaire-dollar-earning football professionals, during the … read more

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