Are We Losing Our America?

Recently, it sometimes feels like it.  Case in point, in a recent YouGov/Economist poll (1,755 respondents), 68% believe our nation is “out of control,” and “off on the wrong track.” By political leaning, 48 % of Democrats felt so, 70% of Independents, and 90% of Republicans agreed that we are … read more

Unsustainable in America

The word sustainable is defined as “a practice that sustains a given condition, such as economic growth, without destroying or depleting natural resources, etc.”  Unsustainable, of course, is just the opposite.  For a number of otherwise quite controllable reasons, such as astute, sensible management, the current administration is however leading … read more

Smart Talk #27

In his article, “Three Cheers for Oil,” commentator John Hinderaker notes that “Oil is the Earth’s miracle substance. Like electricity, oil drives economic growth.  No other fuel can match oil when it comes to energy density, cost, scale, flexibility, or ease of handling and transportation.”  Quoting columnist David Blackmon, on … read more

Bonkers, Blather, Blunders and Buffoons #35

There’s no better way to begin this edition of 4B’s than with this oval office stunt from this past Sunday.  As you know, Sunday, March 31st, represented the holiest day of the year among those of the Christian faith, that is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Apparently not in the … read more

Smart Talk #26

California’s Huntington Beach City Council just made a smart move.  A measure passed that prohibits all non-government flags from being flown on city property flag poles.  And for the best of reasons.  Said Councilman Pat Burns regarding possible claims of discrimination against certain groups: “The measure was meant to encourage … read more

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