Miracle 2024

Referring, of course, to the attempted assassination of former President Trump last Saturday, which you all either witnessed live on television, or saw over and over again via replays: Because he turned his head slightly to look at a chart; Because he instinctively ducked down after instantly realizing that those were shots, not firecrackers; Because the shooter was, thankfully, not of sniper caliber;  and Because the hand of God shielded the centimeters of the miss in an otherwise intended and certain kill, we, therefore, witnessed our Heavenly Father preserve the life of the next American president, Donald Trump, on behalf of the relieved citizens of our blessed nation that remains free.

Men and women of America, what we witnessed on that fateful and faith-filled Saturday was nothing short of a Miracle.  We have God Almighty to thank, and to praise in prayer, for turning, despite many protective errors, a likely presidential nominee’s assassination into a continued productive life here on earth for this respected and badly needed national leader.

This absolute heaven-sent Miracle will vividly live in our minds and memories for countless years to come.  And with his life having been saved, by the smallest of possible margins, it is incumbent on all of us, who are true American patriots, to be absolutely certain to vote for Donald Trump this November.  And to do all that we can to encourage Independents and Democrats, whom we may know, and who may well be turning to the Right, to do the same for the sake of America’s future of freedom under restored Constitutional, Rule of Law, and three-equal-branch of government observance and guidance.  Donald Trump needs to be, and frankly must be, elected, properly and fraud-free, as the next President of these United States of America.

Remember, always, last Saturday’s failed assassination attempt, and work to ensure a Trump victory over demonstrated earthly evil, as you vote to protect and defend our basic freedom and security, which God Almighty has provided. And especially His most recent, and certainly most poignant, national Miracle.