Independence Day 2024

The annual July 4th celebrations throughout the nation, for the vast majority of our citizens (and of no concern to the 10-million-plus illegal migrants who shouldn’t be here), is traditionally the day of joy-filled, often boisterous, family and communal activities, with the central focus on food (beer, hamburgers, hot dogs, mustard & ketchup). Relish the thought.  Then, that evening, the 4th finishes with the traditional city/county sponsored gigantic fireworks display, plus, as always, the neighbors, intent on triggering reactions from all of the nearby dogs, by continuing to proudly set-off their own stash of loud pyrotechnics for seemingly endless hours thereafter. Thus, that holiday is designed to provide well-fed partying enjoyment for all participants, some until all hours, until the devil’s alarm goes off in the morning, as the real world of work returns.

With all of the day-off traditional activities just described, you’ll notice that, amongst and despite all of the enjoyable holiday merriment, no mention or effort is typically made to identify July 4th with its true, historic, and American pride meaning.  That is, the very reason why this momentous day has been set aside through the decades and centuries.  Set aside not for beer and hotdogs, but to recognize America’s Independence.  It would be interesting (perhaps depressing) to do a man-on-the-street interview with young partygoers, on this special holiday, including those ‘wokies’ who’ve been taught to dislike or even hate America, to see the answers given to the question: What special event does July 4th represent?

The correct answer, as patriots know, is that it marks the creation of this British-occupied nation’s formal declaration that we desire our independence and are willing to fight to make it so.  England, that mighty and feared nation which, at the time, claimed British sovereignty over several other parts of the world, including effective “ownership” of the American settlements in the New World. America was, one might say, England’s tenant, paying taxes (rent!) for the privilege.  It was those taxes, considered exorbitant (The Stamp Act, etc.), and the ever-increasing British oppression, that finally forced American patriots to rebel.

For highlight review, the American Revolution was fought between 1775 and 1783.  Soon after the war began (1776), the Declaration of Independence was written and released by Congress, giving credence to America’s 13-colony freedom fight. From “The British are coming!” skirmishes at Lexington & Concord, to battles between various well-trained & supplied British troops vs. our often under supplied American colonial militia,  (with the much-needed, perhaps decisive, military assist from France), to General Washington’s bold and decisive nighttime crossing of the Delaware River with his Continental Army, to the war’s conclusion with the eventual signing of The Treaty of Paris (1783) which officially ended the Revolutionary War, with America, thankfully, the victor.  Our brilliantly written Constitution was then later ratified in1788, and to the surprise of the King of England, General George Washington rejected the suggestion of some that he declare himself America’s king, instead becoming, per the Constitution, America’s first president.

The number of courageous colonial patriots who perished in pursuit of our freedom is said to total 25K-plus, with an estimated 7K killed in battle, while a reported 17K actually died from disease, said to be mostly among those held on British prison ships in the New York City harbor!

With exceptional sacrifices, thus became the free and independent United States of America. Our lasting desire for sacred national sovereignty and citizen freedoms was officially born and recognized with the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.  So then, amidst the traditional beer, burgers, and fireworks, it is hoped that more Americans would pause on this historic day to recognize the privilege and blessing of living in the greatest and freest nation the world has ever known.  Our deepest thanks to, and reverence for, the bravery of our long-ago Continental Army and Continental Congress who went on, through untold challenges and hardship, to make America’s independence and freedom a lasting reality, now almost 250-years ago.