When Firing, It’s Best to Point The Barrel Away From You

Time to polish the crown and ready the satin sash, as we bow to the latest potential Queen of Self-Inflicted Political Wounds (that crown passed on from the former Queen, Mrs. Clinton, who, as a candidate, ignited a political bonfire with her memorable “deplorables” descriptor for all non-elite Americans).  Current U.S. Representative from Arizona (first elected in 2012), and now the Democrat candidate for Senate from her state, Kyrsten Sinema, has positioned herself, for election purposes, as a moderate, but multiple media-revealed past instances would seem to point to her probable true political feelings resting more likely on the political left.

For instance, in a recently uncovered 2010 video, during her speech to a liberal Netroots Nation conference, Ms. Sinema said: “The states are the laboratories of democracy.  And my state, Arizona, is clearly the meth lab of democracy.”  Aside from the fact that we’re a republic, while that might have been a reference to some pending or past legislation in her state, it could easily have been interpreted as a blatant shot at Arizona, the state she hopes to continue to represent, now in the United States Senate. And certainly not helping matters, also in 2010, a Twitter message from that year has surfaced, in which she wrote: “Just one day I’d like for Arizona to be in the news for something good.”

Going back to her war-protest years for further perspective, in 2003, CNN reported (on-line, at least) that, Ms. Sinema, a former left-wing Green Party activist, helped organize at least one “anti-war gathering,” while apparently encouraging attendees to oppose “U.S. terror in Iraq.”  Flyers distributed at the rally urged push-back “against (George) Bush and his fascist, imperialist war,” among other stinging anti-war slogans and harsh depictions, with Ms. Sinema’s personal email reportedly listed on those flyers.  Also during this period, she is alleged to have publically made an illogical, insulting comparison between American troops killed in Middle East combat, and illegals who perish trying to enter the U.S., portraying the two situations as somehow equivalent!  And, then, in a radio interview at the time, when the host suggested to her (facetiously, one presumes) that he might like to go join the Taliban Army, rather than rejecting that absurd comment outright, she is alleged to have responded “I don’t care, go ahead.”

References to opposing the U.S. military war effort, and, flippant response or not, giving the apparent nod to someone suggesting literally joining in the fight against our own troops, none of this comes anywhere close to qualifying as “moderate” thought.

In a recently exposed 2011 video,  Ms. Sinema reportedly said to her audience:  “All around the world, people know what’s happening in Arizona, and not in a good way.  We’re kind of like in a Lindsay Lohan kind of famous way, not good” (said back during the time Lohan had substance abuse issues).  Then, in a February 28, 2011 twitter post, she wrote: “Dear Rest of the World, I just want you to know, Arizona wasn’t always this crazy.  It used to be pretty great, actually. Sincerely, Kyrsten.”  From another revealed video recording, while speaking to a Texas audience, Ms. Sinema made reference to some “outsiders might think Arizonans were crazy people.” Then, apparently within the same Texas speech, she seems to lower the boom, allegedly telling her liberal audience: “I want to talk to you about some of the things that I think you can do to stop your state from becoming Arizona.”  Ouch.

In sum, her cumulative, at best, questionable comments about her state may very well end up as self-inflicted political wounds, very likely, to some degree, impacting the course of the election.  There does seem to be little question that Ms. Sinema had an active radical past.  With so much serious, committed, pro-socialism hype currently swirling around, can Arizona voters trust that her former extreme liberalism is truly in the past?

Ms. Sinema’s opponent, in the race to fill the Senate seat of retiring Republican Jeff Flake, is current Arizona Republican Representative Martha McSally (first elected in 2014).  Ms. McSally was a stand-out Air Force Academy graduate who went on to a distinguished Air Force career, becoming the first woman in U.S. history to fly a fighter jet in combat (A-10), and the first woman to command an American fighter squadron.  She deployed to the war zone six times, flying a total of 325 combat hours (Senate candidacy bio).  She retired as an Air Force Colonel, following 22-years of impressive active duty service to the nation.

It is of maximum importance to Arizona, the nation, and the continuation of President Trump’s agenda and actions to reactivate America’s greatness, that Republican Martha McSally be elected to the Senate.  Republicans must hold onto their Senate majority in order to keep the Trump program moving forward. While Republican victories elsewhere are critical, as well, for both Senate and House, the Arizona Senate race is especially so, because, as of this writing, the outcome is too close to call.  It’s imperative that we hold that established Republican seat. We must earnestly hope that the State of Arizona backs and picks as their next Senator, Martha McSally.


(Meth lab quote via Legal Insurrection.com, Mary Chastain, 10-12-18; Twitter message, The Washington Free Beacon.com, Cameron Cawthorne, 10-12-18; Terror, and don’t care quotes via Hot Air.com, John Sexton, 10-12-18; Anti-Bush quote via CNN KFILE on-line, Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, 9-15-18; Crazy and stop your state quotes via Townhall.com, Guy Benson, 10-11-18; Lindsay Lohan quote via Breitbart.com, Michelle Moons, 10-16-18;  Troops/illegals comparative via The Daily Caller.com, Peter Hasson, 10-12-18)