United States Army Birthday June 14, 2020

The United States Army was founded on June 14, 1775, by the Second Continental Congress, and it was known back then as the Continental Army, its ranks filled by men from the 13-unified American colonies, whose sacred mission was to fight, and hopefully defeat, British forces here.  Despite tremendous challenges and hardships, under the Command of General George Washington, that 13 colony force ultimately achieved victory, giving birth to liberty within our newly independent nation.

Today, the United States Army celebrates its 245th Birthday, the oldest service branch in the United States military, a force that way back in the Revolutionary years, had dedicated itself to bringing sovereignty and freedom to America.

And that legacy continues, as the dedicated men and women of today’s United-States-Army remain trained and ready to preserve our independence and precious freedoms. Committed to defending us from any foreign enemy that would militarily challenge our great nation.

From the Battle of Lexington, to the front lines of today’s homeland-battle against the Coronavirus, your Army has answered our nation’s call. The call to protect our people, which it has done so consistently and effectively, for 245-years now, and counting.

From World Wars One and Two, to Korea, Vietnam, and the  on-going War on Terror, America’s Army has fought courageously to both protect our nation’s freedoms, and to restore freedom to other nations, whose liberties have been swept away by tyranny, ensuring, as well, that such repression would never engulf our land.

And now highlighting, if I might, on this special day, just one of America’s great active-duty Army units, this one, an historic division that’s located right here in Coastal Georgia.  Speaking, of course, of the Army’s Third Infantry Division, a locally-treasured and nationally-acclaimed fighting force.  The Third was activated in late 1917, and within only a few months training-time, the Division would find itself in combat, in the First Word War in Europe.

Then, in July of 1918, by holding the line at the Marne River in France, against a determined German force, the Third ID has been known, from that time forward, as the “Rock of the Marne.”  Division soldiers were awarded two Medals of Honor for their heroics in World War I.  Regrettably, the peace didn’t hold, and, too soon, the flames of World War II would spread across Europe.

The Third Division was a key-part of America’s effort to, once again, defeat German forces.  The Division served more combat days than any other unit in the European Theatre. Thirty-nine soldiers of the Division were awarded the Medal of Honor, to include its legendary, Lieutenant Audie Murphy, who became the most decorated Army soldier in World War II.  And a fact true to the present day, through all of the conflicts they’ve faced, 3rd ID soldiers have been awarded, more Medals of Honor than any other American division, representing an incredible level of combat-courage and commitment, for which both the Army and our nation are justifiably grateful and proud.

Following the Second World War, either the entire Third Division, or elements thereof, have fought in Korea, Vietnam, and all the way up until the present in the various Operations of the War on Terror.  In fact, right now, there are over 5,000 Third ID soldiers, deployed and serving in over 10 countries, around the world.

Coastal Georgia’s outstanding Third Infantry Division, the “Rock of the Marne,” understandably a great source of Army, and community pride, as are all of the many other fine Army units, that we’re so honored and privileged to have stationed within our area: Active-Duty, Guard, and Reserve.

As for today’s War on Covid-19, please know that the United States Army is very actively involved in this demanding fight. Another clear example of the Army stepping forward whenever the nation needed our soldiers’ talents the most.  That includes Army researchers, once again, on the front-lines, dedicated to helping find, as rapidly and as safely possible, treatments and vaccines, for use in this vital homeland-citizen fight.

All while another valued asset, the Army Corps of Engineers, constructed temporary hospitals with over 15,000 beds.

And, medically-trained Army-veterans, in great number, volunteered to return to service in order to help treat, and care for, their seriously-ill fellow Americans, impacted by this deadly-virus. The Army, once again, answered the call to assist and protect our citizens.

As for the understandable concern among families, about the well-being of new, and already-serving, Army members, the Army has also gone to great lengths, with specific protective protocols firmly in place, to keep our soldiers, Army civilians, and their families, safe during this challenging time of COVID-19 stress.  The Army was out in front of this very serious national medical challenge, immediately putting the health of our soldiers first. So that, for our nation, Army readiness could, safely, be fully assured and maintained.

America’s Army members serve not only in our foreign conflicts, but, as with their coronavirus response, they serve our communities, as well, in so many ways, right her at home.  And sometimes heroically so.  In late May, a soldier stationed at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, was in his truck approaching a major bridge, when he saw a man already on the bridge, get out of his car, and with  two guns, he began firing, randomly, at the on-coming traffic. The soldier’s training and instinct quickly kicked in.  He knew that the gunman had to be stopped.

So, the soldier drove his truck forward, hitting the shooter from behind, and trapping him underneath the vehicle. The gunman was injured, of course, but will live to face justice for his crime, which did end- up injuring at least one of the on-coming drivers.  The Army is justifiably proud of this Fort Leavenworth soldier’s rapid response.  He saved untold lives that day, and truly is a hero. “Army Strong” proves, once again, to be far more than a motto. Our soldiers live it!

Sharing the Army’s birthday is America’s beautiful national flag. As you know, Flag Day is also June 14th.   For 245-years, there has been a powerful bond between the American Soldier and the American flag.  Serving and protecting our nation, as soldiers do, every day, whether here or far away, under America’s glorious banner. The Army is pleased and proud to share its special day with America’s flag, as both symbolize love of country and genuine, heartfelt patriotism, a very meaningful core Army and American value.

America’s Army today, Active-Duty, Guard, and Reserve, is the best prepared, best equipped, and, overall, the most powerful land-warfare fighting force in the world. And whenever our nation has needed the United States Army, during these past two-and-a-half centuries, this stellar force has been there at America’s side, dedicated, loyal, superbly-trained, and always ready to protect our precious liberty.

America’s Army stands behind its solemn oath to defend American freedom, and our way of life. Army soldiers, Army civilians, and their families, represent the very best of America, and proudly live by the long-standing Army values of leadership, duty, respect, service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.

On this anniversary of the Army’s founding, we give special and sincere thanks for those courageous men and women who, through the decades, without fear or hesitation, have given 245-years of devoted and unwavering service to America…. And to the defense of our priceless freedoms. Happy Birthday to America’s Army.  May God continue to bless our great nation, and the United States Army.