Some Good News, For A Refreshing Change

Two Athens, Alabama police officers were credited with saving two lives in just two days.  One case dealt with a call to assist an unresponsive man in a vehicle along an interstate highway.  The officers performed CPR until additional medical help arrived.  The man survived.  Then a gentleman who was trying to drive himself to the hospital, flagged down the officers, certain he was having a heart attack.  No CPR this time, as the man was conscious, but medical help was called, as the officers continued to closely monitor his condition.  He was taken to the hospital where surgery was performed.  He, too, survived.  Both lives saved by the efforts of great skilled and caring police force officers, as happens continually around our nation, though too seldom reported.  We in America are blessed to have such talented and committed first-responders trained to serve, protect, and when need be, save the lives of their fellow citizens.

There is a coffee shop in Lebanon, Ohio whose total focus is employing men and women with special needs.  The co-owner/manager of the establishment told an area TV station that “everybody has ability, it’s just a question of what it is,” indicating that they are anxious for their employees to “display the talents and skills they have.”  A great initiative.  And so that you are aware, Savannah is blessed to have a long-established skills training and placement center for clients with special needs right here.  Located on Eisenhower, the EmployAbility staff members are committed to assisting special folks from our immediate area to develop and learn both living and employment skills, and are very actively involved in seeking placement for their special needs, let’s make that special abilities, clients with businesses and organizations all around Savannah. The EmployAbility team is dedicated to improving the lives of their clients with the goal of making possible more independence for them through meaningful preparation and employment.  Parents and other caregivers couldn’t be more appreciative, and thankful, for the developmental work provided by Savannah’s premier special abilities workforce training organization, EmployAbility!

Meanwhile, at Union High School in Waterford, Wisconsin, a unique and very proud new “graduate.”  Raymond Schaefer, age 96, missed his original graduation date, when, in 1944, he chose to join the military to help defend our nation and restore world freedom.  Dressed in a cap and gown, wearing, of course, the obligatory virus mask(!), Mr. Schaefer finally received his diploma during a surprise ceremony at the Waterford school.  Said Mr. Schaefer following his special event in his honor: “This was really something!” Congratulations to this great American patriot upon receiving his long-deserved graduation “ceremony,” with sincere thanks to all of those at the school who made this very meaningful occasion possible.

And to wrap up this edition, two happy, thankful political notes. The New York Times has now actually given President Trump “his share of the credit” for the development and rapid availability of the anti-virus vaccine.  Mr. Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” made the new vaccines and treatments available in historic record time.  The Times’ accolade was late in coming, and certainly not granted before the election, but as the saying goes, better late than never!

Recent Rasmussen Research found that 75% of America’s likely voters do support voter ID laws, and, thankfully, that includes 60% of Democrats.  As you are aware, House Democrats are trying to overrule both the voter ID requirement and other voting rules that are designated to be constitutionally-established by state legislatures.  Hopefully the 60% of pro-voting-integrity Democrats polled will convey their beliefs and wishes to not only their Representatives, but to their Senators, as well, since that is the next landing place for this damaging piece of legislation, H.R.1, the absurdly titled “For the People Act.”  More correctly: “For the People Currently in Power Act,” if we still have any interest at all in being honest.

Clearly, the vast majority of American citizens believe in the value of the voter ID requirement. May it overcome this current legislative challenge.  And may anti-fraud voter integrity remain forever in force. More positive news in the future, when it can be found!!


(Alabama police officer stats via, Amy Furr, 3-6-21;  Coffee shop special needs employees quote via, Amy Furr, 3-8-21; Schaefer graduation stats/quote via, Greg Norman, 3-19-21; NYT credit via, Jeffrey Rodack, 3-11-21; Rasmussen research stats via, Joel B. Pollak, 3-17-21).