Smart Talk #29

Smart Talk #29

The majority of involved patriot Americans support the deportation (or arrest) of many illegal migrants.  Smart deportation support (especially for the criminals among them) is strong regardless of household income, and it is “especially popular among working and middle- class Americans.”  Leftist Democrats, as you doubtless know, are opposed to any deportation.  That is, of course, because they see illegals as future Democrat voters, because that Party is their continuing source of all the essential “free” support.  And, deplorably, that “future voter” plan may be closer than we want to think, especially if Mr. Biden suddenly decides to provide some or all with unmerited amnesty (i.e., rapid route to citizenship). Leftist Democrats strive to win national elections especially, no matter what it takes, whether fairly or, far too often we fear, by deception or fraud. Hopefully, this November, we can experience, once again, a truly fair national election, free from both home-bred and foreign interference.

America’s Customs & Border Patrol officers often develop hunches amidst the thousands of individuals each day desiring to enter our country.  Recently, the scene was the border Port of Entry at Lukeville, Arizona. A 20-year-old male approached the barrier driving a pick-up truck towing an RV on a trailer. Feeling that something didn’t appear to be quite right, the CBP officers pulled the truck over for a closer look.  Their hunches paid off.  “A K9 team revealed 234 packages of drugs stashed in the frame of the trailer, containing roughly 4-million blue fentanyl pills!”  To date, this bust has proven to be the largest fentanyl seizure in CBP history.  A huge, anticipated delivery of fentanyl pills meant for U.S. distribution, with resulting American fatalities, won’t result in the deaths of way too many of our citizens, thanks to the smart instincts of our dedicated, savvy, and seasoned Border Patrol agents.  If, and until, our border(s) are finally closed, we need far more of these committed professionals.

And speaking of CBP agent suspicions, back in August, a commercial tractor-trailer, driven by a 29-year-old male, filled with watermelons, approached the Otay Mesa Commercial border facility near San Diego.  As the result of a secondary inspection, among the actual watermelons, CBP agents discovered over 2,200 fake watermelons filled with over 4,500 pounds of methamphetamine!!  This required close inspection because the fakes were actually pretty good-looking replicas of the real thing.  The smugglers had spent a lot of time producing, and filling, those imitations.  Again, without CBP smart agent instincts, that load of “watermelons” might very well have made it through!

In the interest of attempting to ensure fair November voting in Texas, smart Governor Greg Abbott has ordered the removal of what turned out to be over 1-million ineligible voters from the State’s rolls.  And by the way, that huge number included, among many thousands of others, more than 500,000 deceased voters and 6,500 non-citizens. Stated correctly, “Election integrity is essential to our democracy,” said Governor Abbott. Among other intended protections, his voter law prohibits people from passing out “unsolicited applications for mail-in ballots.” Our liberal-led ‘blue’ states will of course, and regrettably, do nothing of the sort, as winning for them, by any means, is everything.  We do hope that other sensible, honest, America First states are, or quickly will, follow the Texas example.

Ands some more positive news for Americans who favor equality vs. equity. Corporations and institutions are beginning to de-woke themselves by closing down their diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) offices. Among the latest academic institutions, the University of Kentucky announced office closure there. Public colleges and universities in Texas, Florida, Kentucky, and Alabama are also reported to have made similar closures.  Principal reason for the shut downs: Finally accepting the reality that DEI operations “encourage discrimination based on race and sex.”  Or another stated rationale, that DEI policies promote “divisive concepts.” Monies saved in these moves (salaries, materials, etc.) are being routinely redirected to other campus initiatives for the benefit of their students.

And on the American industry side, eliminating DEI polices and offices is gaining momentum. The Molson Coors Corporation is among the latest of the major U.S. corporations to do so, by instead emphasizing the company-wide policy to ensure that “all employees know that they are welcome.” Molson Coors management also has mandated that the compensation for executives will now be based solely on “business performance and no longer to include aspirational representation goals.”  And now, the Ford Motor Company is beginning to walk back from, or “pumping the brakes on,” some of its DEI policies. Ford joins John Deere, Lowe’s, Tractor Supply, and some others in re-evaluating their respective commits to DEI.  As an anti-woke policies activist stated it: “The landscape of corporate America is quickly shifting to sanity and neutrality.”  In other words, committing to re-adopt equality, rather than DEI-pushed equity.  Smart equal-opportunity-based thinking, just as it should be.

Due to significantly reduced marketplace demand, along with both Ford and General Motors, Volvo has announced plans to pull back on its ambitious earlier goal regarding EV production. Volvo had previously announced its intent to make only EV’s by 2030!  Overall EV sales in the U.S. reportedly stand currently at less than 10% of total new car market share. Consumer hesitancy over purchasing an EV, in addition to comparative cost, comes down to EV range and the national availability (i.e., significant lack) of changing stations, despite this administration’s earlier promise to construct thousands of them.  Replacing such rigorous EV production, for the time being, with many vehicle manufacturers, will be hybrid models which have continued to sell well. Smart move by auto makers.

And finally for this edition, the U.S. Regulatory Agency has just announced approval of the first Generation IV nuclear reactor.  With the current administration’s climate change huggers ruinous desire to end fossil fuel mining/drilling and use in America, and foolishly depend instead on solar and wind, and whatever else science can invent in the future, this initial move to new nuclear facilities is, indeed, a smart one.  It’s especially good news since “nuclear energy is the only rival to fossil fuels in efficiency and cost-effectiveness and is worthy of supplying power on a civilization level.”  Great wording there: “civilization level.” Indicating clearly, and truly, that solar and wind cannot now, and will never be able to, supply the electricity needs of our nation.  Today, constructed more securely so that “plant failure or an external event (e.g., an earthquake) should not result in radioactive material release to the outside world.”  Currently, construction is underway on a new Generation IV nuclear power facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  Smart nuclear decision, with the need for many more such facilities, should our future ever actually, and foolishly, be without fossil fuel sources for power generation.


(Fact Sources: American attitudes regarding deportation of illegal migrants via, John Carney, 8-28-24; Major border drug bust by CBP officers via, Patrick Reilly, 8-2-24; Fake watermelons at the border raise CBP agent suspicions via, Sarah Rumpf-Whitten, 8-22-24; Texas cleans up its voter rolls via, Mary Chastain, 8-26-24; Closure of DEO offices on several public school campuses via, Alana Mastrangelo, 8-21-24; Molson Coors joins some other U.S. corporations in re-evaluating /reducing/eliminating strict inhouse DEI policies via, Breck Dumas, 9-3-24; Volvo backs away from earlier goal of producing only EV’s by 2030 via, Eric Revell, 9-4-24; New nuclear plant facilities approved for America via, Leslie Eastman, 9-1-24).