Our Nation is on Edge

Americans have now been afforded the added distraction of worrying about many things other than our traditional close to home givens: Maintaining steady employment, educating their children, and keeping their families housed, fed, healthy, and safe.  Thanks largely (or completely, if you prefer) to ultra-liberal policies here at home, we are all now able to worry additionally about our open borders(s) and the growing problems caused by the invasion of millions of illegal migrants, with continuing surges overwhelming too few border agents, accordingly, untracked and too often unvetted, now freely (literally) roaming America.  Often perhaps acerbated by the unprecedented degree of illegal immigration, comes the heightened problem of out-of-control crime and violence within our major, Democrat-run cities, resulting from lack of penalty enforcement and the crazed ‘defund the police’ movement, which for obvious reasons has now all but disappeared, perhaps too late for some municipalities.

Then there’s the haunting problem of serious, prolonged inflation, caused chiefly by uncontrolled current federal government spending, with little hope of bringing it down in a meaningful way, depending on how the vote goes. The problem, too, of underperforming schools, in this unremitting era of spending too much time on too many ‘screens,’ at home, in school, and in-between. And assuming that some of the more valuable aspects of public education are actually sticking and implanted, the clear forced choice, now, between sending students to a traditional, expensive four-year school vs. the previously unthinkable option(by many parents) of going, instead, to a two-year (or less with certifications) technical college, leading often directly to more ready pathways to available and fulfilling employment, applying brawn, brains or both.

And then there is the understandable national concern about the politics of the next administration.  Will we return to being led firmly by conservative beliefs in the Constitution, Rule-of-Law, integrity, individual freedoms and national security or will our traditional, cherished freedoms, our public safety and national security be quelched by the ultra-liberal tyranny of a domineering socialist power-demanding central government, perhaps then becoming susceptible then to encroachment actions by our domineering enemies?

And speaking of international actions, there, too, we have legitimate concerns about current and future aggressive conflicts or hostile actions in Europe, Asia, Middle Est and perhaps elsewhere. So our problems and concerns are not limited to just those here at home.

But one additional problem, that without previous administration and media message bombardment, has now slipped from our constant concern and view, while once managing to keep us on edge about our nation and planet’s imminent destruction. That was the politically-invented concept of “Climate Change.” Compared with the often-times menace of illegals-with-hands-out, crime and violence in our cities, damaging and persistent high inflation,  educational issues (caliber of teaching & learning, funding, alternative schooling, and disruptions), the result of the upcoming federal election, and international turmoil, climate change advocates have grown silent and, thankfully, disappeared for now, as election politics have moved into centerstage since soon after the start of 2024, as Americans have far more actual problems to be concerned about beyond the climate’s pure political voodoo.

So, let’s take a look at the politically-charged concept, once known as “global warming”, but thought to be too limiting to describe the now presumed ‘crisis,’ which is known today, and sold to us under the generic, benign-sounding title, as “climate change.”  Yet with the prior government-sanctioned near-hysteria, it had become something to not only be concerned about, but actually feared, as if imminent, if we didn’t change our individual and national habits on emissions and other presumed man-made threats to our environment.

Yet the manufactured threat apparently continues to haunt in some circles.   Case in point, all California public schools will this year be required to include curriculum additions in all science classes, grades 1-12, dealing with climate change. And as anticipated, now and prior: “The bombardment of doomsday climate commentary has meanwhile contributed to widespread environmental anxiety among children.”  Case in point, beyond predicted destruction of our planet, climate change fear is now causing “the spread of brain disease.”  Continuing on that government-induced trauma, with the conclusions of one author who was a one-time neuroscientist turned environmental journalist: “The existential distress caused by environmental change is an all-too-real phenomenon linked to heightened rate of anxiety, depression, and even suicide. The scars of climate change, we’re told, are not just physical, but deeply psychological.”   And one more item among the previous constant government-sponsored bromides. The U.S. EPA has announced a $19.9-million grant to a particular private college in New Orleans, just a portion of which will be used to purchase a large number of electric bikes, the rationale conceivably being the hope to reduce the need for fewer gasoline-powered vehicles for students/families?  And by the way, along with the electric bike grant, the City of New Orleans, itself, is to receive a $50-million federal grant to “to install rooftop solar panels, expand its Blue Bike share fleet, add seven miles of bike paths, and plant 7,500 trees in selected neighborhoods.” Yessir, we’ve, doggone-it, got to fight that earth-devouring ‘climate change’ devil by throwing a ton of bikes, trees, and solar panels at it. Crisis no more!

And speaking of a pending crisis, our national debt has grown deeper and deeper into danger range, as the Biden administration has managed to grow it, in just four years, by almost $5-trillion.  As of the moment, our total national debt stands at about $28-trillion. And you’ve just seen an example of throwing millions of our tax dollars, to supposedly fight the fantasy of climate change, going to a major Democratic-run city that, by rights, should have been able to retrofit buildings and purchase bikes with its own funds. (Sadly, portions of Louisiana are being hard hit by that current hurricane, with no doubt many millions of dollars needed for recovery.)

You’ll probably remember a façade federal measure, falsely labeled as “The Inflation Reduction Act,” which did nothing of the sort, but instead reportedly spent nearly $400-billion dollars (e.g., federal subsidies, incentives, tax credits) chasing climate change, with most of it, we’re told, used to financially encourage major automobile manufacturers to build factories and re-tool to accelerate the production of electric vehicles, which, again, was the ‘green-new-deal’s’ U.S. government attempt to slow, or even reverse, the supposed threat of climate change, with heaps of our green currency.

So then, the nation’s federal debt status is yet another thing that Americans aren’t thinking about as a problem, but eventually will have to, as we will have to face the nation’s possible coming default on its massive debt, bond and other loan forms to both nations (e.g., China) and individual/corporate federal government bond holders. As Fox Business channel wrote, back several months ago, “the U.S. is almost certainly on an unsustainable path with regard to the astronomic rise in its national debt.”

So then, amidst the aforementioned plethora of serious actual problems and threats the American public must face, let’s attempt to take at least one temporarily-ignored “crisis” problem off the list, the one that will not be forgotten by crusading woke-liberals in D.C. And that’s the simmering, temporarily below the surface, issue of ‘climate change.’  We are told incessantly that such is our problem. That it is man/woman and corporations that are contributing to, and making it worse, through things like driving our fossil-fueled cars, trucks, buses, trains & planes, using natural gas appliances, and all of our now-cleaned and filtered smoke-stack U.S. corporations who persist in manufacturing stuff.  Other than perhaps in China and other nations still heavily dependent on coal burning for energy production, understandably creating atmospheric issues with their pollution, man is not responsible for climate change.  Mankind in America is not guilty of contributing to climate change in any meaningful way.

As you all know, our ‘climate’ changes naturally four times (seasons) each year, regardless of anything we may do here on earth. And when there are seeming aberrations in climate, unusual hot/cold, wet/dry periods, it has been proven scientifically to be the result of: planetary re-alignment (gravity fields), “solar cycles, volcanic activity, (the oceans), and asteroids.”  When periods occur during which “earth receives more radiation from the sun,” warmer climates are created.  An example from history: “The Arctic was much warmer and may have been ice-free 6,000 years ago.”   Author and researcher Bjorn Lomborg writes: “The data show that climate-related deaths from droughts, storms, floods and fires have declined by more than 97% over the last century. More people die in traffic accidents in an average week.”  Perhaps, then, we should be centering our efforts more on increasing vehicle & highway safety, and driver education (to include reducing drunk driving). Rather than the persistent handwringing over the ‘sky is falling’ climate concerns well beyond our abilities to solve. And despite the huge amounts of money being thrown at something earthlings can’t really impact, wrote Lomborg: “The world still gets four-fifths of its energy from fossil fuels because renewable sources rarely provide good alternatives.” Oh, and something else scientific to note, a study published in the Journal of Science: “evaluated about 1,500 climate policies implemented between 1998 and 2022, by 41 countries internationally, and found that only 63 policies (about 4% of them!) had successfully reduced total CO2 emissions (and to a modest degree).”  Then there’s this from Wall Street Journal writer Holman Jenkins who calculates that: “Biden’s EV order will decrease planetary emissions by a whopping 0.18%! The climate effect of the extravagantly expensive Biden plan will steadily(ultimately) approach zero.”

The billions of taxpayer dollars spent by the Biden administration’s 2021 Infrastructure Investment Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, both intended to positively impact climate change, did little or nothing, but those two pieces of legislation did “spark the highest inflation rates in four decades” in America.  And as one author pointed out: “Taxing carbon reduces emissions.  Subsidizing ‘green energy’ doesn’t.” And finally, on a reverse course from much of the world, having with very little interest in ‘green energy,’ comes the apparent champion of increased emissions with its continued dependence on coal: “China is the world’s leading emitter of carbon dioxide, with emission levels more than 50% higher than those of the U.S., Europe, and Japan combined!!

Having herein reviewed a great many of the problems and concerns on the minds of most thinking Americans, and hopefully putting ‘climate change’ on the back burner, if not entirely out of our minds, the one major, future-determining issue that Americans are (or should be) most on edge about right now is the coming national presidential election.  From all that we know right now (and we honestly know believably very little) about Ms. Harris’ plans other than her very disturbing past history of ultra-lib utterances and apparent positions. Worse, now we’ve experienced  her seemingly passive posture about issues such as: Our open border(s) with the migrant impact disaster; damaging, stubborn inflation; the dramatic increases in metropolitan crime; and the inevitable federal debt default, without dramatic spending reductions, etc.

So, the election choice for maintaining our traditions, federal government structure and at least relative peace in our time, comes down to this: Maintaining our Constitutional, Rule of Law, Separation of Powers, and our prosperity-creating Capitalist economic system.  Or converting to an aggressive, dominating Socialist governing and economic system, where all real power is held strongly within the Executive Branch, from which all dictates and federal control will come, as individual freedoms (including religious), privacy, and prosperity will greatly diminish or disappear.  No question, it is a daunting choice, and one of a lifetime, with the reminder that no Socialist government experiment in the world has ever been lastingly successful.  And do remember that if the woke-liberal federal Democrats are winners this November, their stranglehold on our nation and our federal government, assisted so by the supporting vote from the continuing millions of illegal migrants granted voting rights, such could very easily result in perpetual, dictatorial control over America, everyone and everything, with no known end date!

Folks, it becomes imperative that you and all of those within your circles of contacts and friends, all who truly care about the present and future of our great country, and the continued safety, security, and defense thereof, make the privileged and minimal effort required to cast your vote this November (or perhaps even before with early voting), in order to maintain our amazing nation, birthed long ago in freedom. And that, of course, means casting your ballot to elect Donald Trump and our conservative American voices and policies of reason, all for ensuring the future of our free and richly blessed nation for many years to come.


Fact Sources: Climate change teaching now a required part of science classes in California public schools via breitbart.com, Joel B. Pollak, 9-6-2024, 9-3-24; Climate change can cause brain disease via breitbart.com, Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.; Federal grants to New Orleans and a private college there to combat climate change via justthenews.com, Tom Gantert, exact date missing; Status of U.S. federal debt and its growth under the Biden administration via thefederalist.com, Joe Popularis, 9-3-24; The status of U.S. debt is unsustainable via foxbusiness.com, Megan Henney, 4-2-24; Naturally occurring causes of some climate variations, sometimes revealed in ancient history via legalinsurrection.com, Leslie Eastman, 3-25-24; More people are dying today from traffic accidents than natural atmospheric occurrences via wallstreetjournal.com, Bjorn Lomborg, 3-14-24; Fifteen hundred climate policies evaluated between 1998 and 2022 via thefederslist.com, Helen Raleigh, 9-4-24; Biden’s EV mandate will accomplish little regarding emissions reduction impact via dailycaller.com, Deroy Murdock, 12-4-2023; China emits more carbon dioxide than many nations combined via wallstreetjournal.com, Thomas J. Duesterberg, 4-8-24).