Hollywood Stars Shining Brightly

In the way of talk and actions, not a whole lot positive has emerged from the West Coast actors’ crystal palace since November of 2016, when most all of their plastic smiles, turned upside down, became permanent frowns.

Hollywood types these days apparently feel compelled to express their utter hatred, distain, and disrespect, sometimes vulgar, for President Trump, along with anything and everything he has so successfully accomplished for America.  They speak with one robotic voice, there in that hallowed place where glittering  snowflakes go to bask and gripe.  However, in spite of that suffocating haze of discontent, two recent clear speaking and actioning exceptions emerge from the gloom.

The first is longtime prominent, award-winning actor, Anthony Hopkins.  When asked about his personal opinions on his industry, or even world events, he quickly indicates that he prefers to keep silent on such matters, since his thoughts are “not worth anything.” And when it comes, then, to his thoughts about politics, his candid answer really nailed it. Said Hopkins about Hollywood-voiced political opinions, experience has taught him that “actors are pretty stupid.” Huge kudos to Mr. Hopkins, a giant within his craft, for the self-assuredness to openly express that feeling, shared by so many out here in the vast facts-and-common-sense regions of our land. He scored a perfect bulls-eye with one shot!

And the second Hollywood actor who rises continually to the top of the gauge of magnificent character is Gary Sinise, known and respected widely for his unfailing support of the dedicated men and women serving in our military, as well as their families. He spends much of his off-screen time entertaining troops on installations here and overseas, as an accomplished musician with his own “Lieutenant Dan Band.”  He goes where our military members are.  Much like the entertainer-patriots famously did during World War II.

Several years ago, he formed the Gary Sinise Foundation.  Again, this Christmas season, his Foundation has joined together with American Airlines, to send about 1,000 “Gold Star Children,” the children of a military parent lost in the world fight against terrorism, on the trip of a lifetime.  Each one accompanied by a parent or guardian, totaling close to 1,750 persons in all, will spend an entire week at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, with all expenses paid!  Bringing joyous memories to help override the sad ones.

Every December, for the last 14-years now, the Gary Sinise Foundation has provided this holiday experience for groups of America’s very special young “Gold Star” sons and daughters of America’s fallen.  By his financial support and heart-felt caring, Mr. Sinise provides welcome support, not only to these military children, and their “Gold Star” families, but also to our thousands of military members who currently serve, continuing to defend our security and freedom around the world.  Our thanks,then, to Anthony Hopkins for the courage to say publicly what most of us think.  While all of America thanks and praises Gary Sinise, proving again and again, to be a beloved and genuine American patriot.


(Anthony Hopkins quote via dailywire.com, Paul Bois, 12-9-19; Gary Sinise via dailymail.com, Faith Ridler, 12-10-19).