Gun Control Works…Oh, Wait…

Last weekend (July 28-29, 2018), in New York City, a mega-metropolitan area that touts its gun-controlled status, within just a 7-hour over-night period, 16 people were shot (one dead, three critical).  As reported in a article (7/30), by AWR Hawkins: “New York has some of the most stringent gun controls in the country, including an assault weapons ban, and a high-capacity magazine ban…”

Along with background checks, one must also obtain a license to permit pistol ownership. Despite it all, shooting in the streets continues.  Proof positive that, short of infringing on citizen Second Amendment rights, imposing gun control from on high does not work.  Regardless of laws and best intentions, bad guys won’t bother with a license to obtain guns!  They will always have them, leaving the law-abiding persons without, at continued risk.