Mid-Coast Airport Expansion (Fort Stewart-Hinesville, GA)

Recently (September 17, 2018), Fort Stewart military leaders and Hinesville (GA) community leaders gathered for the formal opening of an additional 1,500 feet extension to the Mid-Coast Airport runway. This additional space, an $11-million construction project, will now allow for use by much larger military cargo planes, and larger commercial … read more

Promotion of Army Colonel(P) Marcus Evans

While a damaging hurricane battered the coasts of South and especially North Carolina, an atmosphere of calm and honor saw Army Colonel(P) Marcus S. Evans promoted to Brigadier-General, yesterday afternoon (September 14, 2018) at Club Stewart on the Fort Stewart, GA installation.  BG Evans serves currently as the Third I.D.’s … read more

GEN John “Mike” Murray & The Army’s New Futures Command

Former Third Infantry Division Commanding General (MG), and most recently the Army G-8 at the Pentagon (LTG), John “Mike” Murray was earlier this month confirmed by the U.S. Senate to receive his Fourth Star.  And GEN Murray has been selected as the first C.G. of the Army’s new Futures Command, … read more

Savannah-Based Army Ranger Killed in Afghanistan

1st Battalion/75th Ranger Regiment Sergeant First Class Christopher Celiz of Summerville, South Carolina, while serving in Afghanistan, was wounded by small arms fire (12 July 2018) during combat operations. He “was treated immediately and medically evacuated to the nearest medical treatment facility where he died of his wounds” (Army Special … read more

The Death of Army Corporal Joseph Maciel

Corporal Joseph Maciel, a member of the Army’s first Security Force Assistance Brigade, was killed in Afghanistan during the first full weekend of July (2018). Early indications are that Corporal Maciel was the victim of an “inside attack,” likely meaning that his assailant was a member of the Afghan Army … read more

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