Bonkers, Blather, Blunders and Buffoons #38

Very little is known by the public about the media-reclusive presidential candidate, Ms. Harris, other than she has temporarily become the nation’s primary radiator of “joy.”  Apart from perpetual giddiness, we do, however, know that her future economic intentions include some very troubling financial growth-impeding provisions, many having to do with increased taxation.  For instance, heavy on corporate and general business tax increases, her alleged tax plan includes raising the federal capital gains tax from 24% to 43.5%!  That is a huge, make that ridiculous, increased penalty to be imposed on a company or small business’ legitimate profit from the successful sale of property holdings or other investments.  In terms of individuals, we’re told that such increases will only apply to the rich.  Hammering such individuals or companies always comes with ripple down impacts on the rest of us, via increased costs for products and/or companies even moving production to foreign countries, in which case American-based productivity/prosperity takes an economic hit.

Reportedly, her proposed repressive tax plan is also said to include “imposing the first-ever tax on unrealized capital gains at the rate of 25%”!  Planning to tax businesses and wealthy Americans ‘paper’ earnings over purchase cost.  The rich and companies haven’t sold the business or stock to actually receive any profit, yet they’ll be taxed 25% on the phantom profit that might have been. Along with several other heinous, to-be-imposed, anti-America corporate and individual provisions, the nation’s overall productivity-prosperity status would be severely impacted, by limiting investments. And, as always, increased taxes on business and the wealthy always has a trickle-down impact on the rest of us, through higher consumer prices, limited product availabilities, etc. Wrote Powerline columnist John Hinderaker this projected tax plan: (Such) “would bring investment and economic growth to a halt. It would be less destructive to ignite a series of nuclear explosives across the country.”  Certainly, an extreme exaggeration, but the point vividly made about the long-term punishment such a plan would impose on America’s manufacturers, businesses, and upper-income individuals.

These and other proposed tax increase measures intended, not to reduce our huge federal debt, but rather to provide a Harris administration with still more assumed “free” money to “invest” in government fantasies like climate change reduction and who knows how many other projects proposed by strong political supporters. Another early indicator of the government over-reach we could expect to deal with should the ultra-liberal Democrats prevail in November. As the seasonal song says, it’s beginning to look a lot like…socialism.  Or as John Hinderaker has stated in another article on the same general subject: “Basically, the Democratic Party views much of the federal budget as a giant slush fund with which to pay off and empower its supporters so as to perpetuate its political power…..forever.”

Claimed the CEO of Planned Parenthood at the recent DNC: “We cannot call ourselves a free nation when women are not free.”  By not free, she’s talking about those darn laws protecting unborn babies (i.e., humans!) and in certain cases inhibiting a woman’s right to end a pregnancy.  Of course, women are completely free, however, to restrict physical intimacy, use various methods of birth control, or give a newborn up for adoption rather than ending its life.  The only imposition on individual freedom is the inability, by various laws, to end a baby’s life whenever and wherever she might choose.  Stating that “women are not free” is an exaggeration living, as we do, in the freest nation in the world, as of today.

And speaking of the recent Democrat Convention, “the Biden-Harris administration has called voter photo identification laws “burdensome and unnecessary.” Further alleging that they are “tantamount to racism, suppression and Jim Crow apartheid.” Yet, strict personal identification was required to attend their recent convention, for security purposes, of course.  How about the total lack of local and national security that has impacted the safety and economics of our nation through the invasion of illegal immigrants, exploding in numbers throughout the Biden-Harris years?  Apparently, not a problem.  Hopefully the legal and much needed identity security will be tightly imposed, without exception, on voters across the states during this upcoming federal election.

And speaking of the current administration, reportedly 30-tons(!) of the killer drug, Fentanyl, has been smuggled in from Mexico across our southern border since the Biden-Harris team took office.  That amount is said to be enough to “take the lives of about 13.8 billion people!”   “Until relatively recently, opioid deaths were an adult problem. The crisis has now overtaken young people.”  Little can be done about slowing or hopefully stopping the flow of this death-dealing drug until an American administration finally gets serious about slamming shut our southern (and northern) border.  Only a Republican administration will do that. Period.

As the illegal migrant invasion of the United States continues, it’s now being reported that in 2023, almost $150-billion of American taxpayer dollars went to provide the anticipated, now perhaps, 20-million illegal migrants with all manner of government support and services.  It’s been noted in another publication that a bit less than 50% of the illegals here now are currently working.  The rest (children, elderly, and others) are not. That  makes millions upon millions of illegals here pretty much totally dependent on government and/or community agency hand outs (often funded by government grants!). This tragic, expensive, and heightened security risk for our nation, as all thinking Americans know, is totally the fault of the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal and mindless open borders crusade.  Reminder:  No other nation in the world purposely provides open borders!

And to conclude this edition of the 4B’s, if you can stand something else ridiculous, let’s look to Seattle.  Believe it or not, the Democrat-controlled state legislature has recently approved a bill that allows municipalities to train and hire Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), that is, non-citizens, as police officers!  This is but one of the consequences of adopting  ‘defund the police’ measures that, just a couple of years back, became politically popular, and incredibly foolish, among Democrat-controlled cities and states. As but one example and case in point, Seattle “has lost more than 700 officers over the past five years, (and is) now standing at a 30-year low in its number of officers.” The obvious problem, other than adequate protection of the public, is that recruiting replacement certified police officers has been difficult for Seattle, as well as other reality-blinded cities, because of their past displeasure with, and shunning of, their existing officers. So, it becomes counter intuitive to expect DACA illegals now living here to actually enforce our laws within their adopted country.  Oh, and given the extreme circumstances in which to restore public protection and trust, but so as not to lose any of the city’s wokeness, Seattle will insist that its realigned police force accept said illegal applicants under existing ‘diversity’ provisions including hiring “fewer whites and military veterans.”  Apparently, it is more acceptable in Seattle for DACA illegals as police officers to carry guns while on duty (turned in at the end of shift!), rather than having too many U.S. military veterans (citizens!!) accustomed to firearms and their safe use. Life in America is bound to become more bizarre and governmentally suppressed should, Heaven help us, radical liberals are elected to continue their destruction of traditional American values and our fervent desire for continued freedoms.


(Fact Sources: Oppressive tax plan floated by the possible Harris administration via, John Hinderaker, 8-27-24, and 6-15-24; “Women are not free” via, Katherine Hamilton, 8-21-24; Democrats demand personal identification for entry to their convention via, Brianna Lyman, 8-20-24; Fentanyl crisis in America continues via, Amy Furr, 6-21-24; Seattle seeks DOCA replacement cops via, Warner Todd Huston, 6-25-24).