Blessings From Above

Whether or not you are a person of faith, the fact that the hurricane left the immediate Savannah area free from catastrophic damage and loss of life was not only good fortune, but a true blessing from above.  Compared to what many folks in and around Augusta, GA, and even more so those suffering within the death-dealing, flood ravaged portions of Western North Carolina, for all of us here in the immediate Savannah area, roughly three days without power was a very small price, and just an inconvenience, really, compared to the price paid in homes and businesses (and lives) up in N.C., and we’re even hearing  some post-storm issues on up into Tennessee.

The message here is a simple and grateful one for those in the greater Savannah area.  We were fortunate.  We were lucky.  We were blessed.  Pick the one that best fits your conclusions and beliefs.  As for me, I choose blessed.  There is no question in my mind that we were spared from pretty much all but inconvenience (e.g., power out/trees & limbs down/some repairable roof and fence damage/debris in yards).  Around here, and elsewhere, it was a time of neighbors helping neighbors (e.g., chain saws, food if needed).  In the badly damaged areas, within the surrounding states of Florida and North Carolina, it was tremendous lives and property loss, and too often, the need for rescue.

Our thanks be to Almighty God in Heaven above, for preserving our lives and properties, within the Greater Savannah area and beyond. And do keep those dealing with storm-caused disaster, our fellow Americans, who will likely need and appreciate our assistance, financial and otherwise, for many months yet to come.  Ultimately, we’re all in this together.