“A Thousand Miles from Nowhere”

“A Thousand Miles from Nowhere”

“And there’s no place I want to be,” continues this hauntingly classic song, written and originally performed by Dwight Yoakam.  The title and the lyric likely describe the feeling today among responsible, conservative Georgia voters. Our reality today seems “a thousand miles from nowhere.”

It’s hard to believe that legal voters in this historic and proud “red” state, a state with a deep heritage of traditional patriot values, would have actually ended the terms of two committed pro-Georgia, pro-America Senators.  Given the known fraud in the recent national election, it’s hard to get past the thought that late non-photo-ID’d registrations, ballot harvesting, “temporary” or former resident voting, and other forms of possible illegal voting and/or vote counting, not to mention noxious media/tech mischief, may have been at work here.   How else can one explain apparent victories by two opposition candidates, with backgrounds in question, and with progressive, dare we say possible “radical” intentions, totally out of step with the traditions and values of the vast majority of Georgians.

Democrat operatives here were very active.  Did the state or national GOP badly drop the ball through lack of aggressive door-to-door, get out the vote activity?  Or could some of it be post-presidential election apathy caused by the clearly stolen loss suffered by President Trump?  And why in the world did he make that last minute phone call here, whether reported on accurately or not?   And terminal shame goes to the secretary of state for recording and leaking it!  Recall that he is apparently the one who, heaven only knows why, entered into a voting procedures consent decree with the Democrats that overrode established Georgia legislative policy.

One very large concern comes to mind with this election outcome, among the many that will surface in the weeks and months ahead: our military installations. Military units stationed here in Georgia represent a significant economic impact to our state, and certainly to the various communities where these tremendous assets are located.  With our two existing Senators, and particularly with regard to Senator Perdue, we had proven, strong, effective Senate supporters for these important installations.  At some point, there will be another Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) effort by DoD and Congress, and especially so, if the Democrat-controlled Congress moves now to reduce the nation’s military budgets.  These two replacement senators’ positions on our military, and particularly the military assets we are so privileged to have within our state, appear to be unknown, but at least one is reported to be in favor of the police defunding movement, which, if true, would not seem to translate well into increased financial support for America’s strong and growing military.  That possible lack of vigorous and vocal backing for Georgia’s installations could really come back to haunt us in the future, as surrounding states’ Senators and Representatives, at that point, would naturally concentrate on close support for their own.

We can at least hope that in two years, conservatives can finally return a Republican majority to the House (came much closer this time!), and depending on who’s up, possibly regain a majority in the Senate as well.  But that’s at least two, increasingly national socialistic, years away.  In the meantime, between the national election, and this run-off one yesterday, we Georgia conservatives can justly feel like, politically, we’re “a thousand miles from nowhere,” and that’s no place we want to be!