Migrant Mayhem

As the negligent, politically-driven, Democrat-propelled, massive invasion of our once-controlled and secure border(s) continues daily, now with an accumulated multi-millions of administration ‘invited” illegals here, wandering throughout the nation, grabbing free assistance, while largely un-monitored, the damage to our America is beyond description and will continue to get worse.

Our traditional American culture, official English language, Constitution, Rule of Law, federal expense (to support the migrants ever expanding needs), plus the on-going health, safety, and domestic security of our citizenry has, for the last 3+ years, been under continuous, direct, and very likely prolonged future attack and civil disruption.  And all of this domestic mayhem and civil disruption/dislocation will continue and greatly multiply in size (now well over 10-million illegals lunging for our wallets and ballot boxes), if the Democrat political regime responsible is somehow swept back into national presidential office. Just one of a multitude of reasons why it is beyond imperative, for our nation’s domestic tranquility and very economic survival (e.g., our hemorrhaging national debt), that Donald Trump and his experienced leadership team win in November and be freely and fairly returned to the White House in January.

Of all the seemingly-countless negative issues surrounding our incomprehensible (and blatantly illegal) open border(s) and resulting migrant issue, none is perhaps any larger and more worrisome to our citizens than that of criminality among a percentage of those illegals now suffocating, and draining the resources of, so many of our local cities and towns.  The most staggering information has now been released in a very worrisome report from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Disturbing highlights include in part:  “As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 ‘noncitizens’ (i.e., illegal migrants) here with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket (which includes both those detained and not detained!).”  For some perspective, that huge number of past/present criminals now in America (and the number could very well be even larger, since that’s just those on the ICE docket!), actually out-numbers the total number of U.S. citizens living in the State of Vermont!

Of that 662,566 number, “435,719 are convicted criminals,” while over 226,000 have criminal charges “pending.”  Of those criminals identified, 15,811 “perpetuated rape or sexual assault, while 13,099 migrants were “found guilty of homicide.”  That’s almost 30-thousand known illegals, detained or out among us, who are either rapists/assaulters or murderers!  And we read about a small number of those criminal acts via the media each day.

This is terribly unsettling for women, and also parents with young or teen children.  Said Republican U.S. Representative (TX) Tony Gonzales: “When I got this information, my stomach turned.  My heart sank.  To see these numbers on paper just goes to show how real this threat is.”  And then this response from Senator John Kennedy (R-Louisiana): “ICE says there are over 435-thousand convicted criminals in our country illegally that the Biden-Harris administration isn’t detaining.  Imagine how many we don’t know about!”

Commenting with deep concern, as well, was Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) who said: “Every damn day, another American is murdered, another woman is raped, and another child is sexually assaulted by an illegal immigrant that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have released. These numbers are just staggering.  Every one of these criminal illegal aliens should be arrested and either put in jail or departed. If, God forbid, Kamala Harris gets elected in November, the numbers will be higher.”

And this report doesn’t say anything, made public at least, about the number of foreign terrorists, doubtlessly adhering to foreign enemy directives, who have entered America during the 3-years+ ‘recruiting’ campaign conducted, illegally, by this current administration, to include purposefully-failed Border Czar Harris!  With regard to domestic terrorism plans, one would have to be an absolute fool to fail to believe that when it comes to a presumed ‘son-of-9/11’ terrorism disaster, it’s no longer a question of “if,” but “when.”  Said Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio): “Under Kamala Harris’ watch, CBP has encountered 1.7-million illegal aliens from countries that pose a national security threat: Where are they coming from?  Places like: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. Where are they going?  YOUR community!.”

And the reason why it’s bound to happen?  We have open south and north borders and an administration that seems to care less whether we sustain a debilitating terrorist attack or not, because its all about their retention of ever-increasing power and control.  And that becomes established and maintained by every increasing numbers of amnesty grants and voting rights presented to those who for the most part have limited English ability, limited or no skills, and very limited interest or concern about the country they have successfully invaded.   Just keep the free stuff coming, and we’ll do whatever we’re told, including the increasing commission of criminal activity, when needed or desired, against the very people who feed and shelter us, and increasingly will do our bidding.

Violent crime and violent terrorism.  Two very unwelcome ‘guests’ now here in numbers within our previously sacred Land of Liberty. Among his welcome comments about the invasion travesty allowed to happen under the unwatchful/uncaring eyes of Biden-Harris, while concentrating fully on the prospect of her future heavy-handed, progressive-socialist style administration as engineered and dictated by others behind the curtain, since Mrs. Harris has clearly shown that she does not possess the ability to actually lead a small business, let alone lead one of the most powerful nations in the world (or at least it once was).

Commented Donald Trump, our hope-ed for next President: “Nobody who has allowed this to happen (i.e., willfully overrun our nation with illegals) to our Country, is fit to be President of the United States!!”  This following a reported Harris 20-minute photo op visit to our southern border, just two weeks ago, following almost four years of zero visits (or stated concern) amidst the migrant mayhem.

And speaking about our Northern Border, which we weren’t, but certainly need to, since that situation up North has now become a more dynamic player in the illegal migrant ‘game.’  In fiscal year 2024 (began 8/23), a reported 15,612 illegal migrants crossed over from Canada into Upstate New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.  That headcount is said to be up 200% from FY23!  There were 2,700 migrants entering the U.S. from Canada this past July alone, so the numbers are continuing to increase.  Tragically,  we now have two borders worth of illegals to be concerned about, when we shouldn’t have to worry about illegal migrants coming into our country from either!

“The border is secure” claim the witch doctors in charge of immigration in D.C. To which the New York Post Editorial Board responded: “The border was nowhere near secure in 2021. The Biden-Harris administration scrapped ex-President Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ program that forced asylum-seekers to wait outside the U.S. while their court cases were heard. President Biden and Vice President Harris just let them in, and they are never going to leave.  The system is not ‘broken.’ They broke it.”  By the way, the vast majority of asylum applications are denied (or were, at least historically!) based on insufficient grounds (e.g., persecution or danger to one’s life back home). Historically, “seeking a better life” was not an asylum granting reason.  Dangerously, with Fundamentally-Transforming Progressive Democrats in control, block asylum could be granted via WH dictate, and with it citizen voting rights!!

So, then, we have millions upon millions of foreign illegals fiscally bleeding out U.S. taxpayers, plus our putting up with too-many thousands of known criminals roaming about, with the Democrat’s “Sanctuary City” lunacy playing far too big a role in protecting those who should be arrested and sent back home.  We have enough major issues keeping up with, and incarcerating (or not!), our own home-grown criminal element, thank you very much, without having to worry about city, neighborhood, and at-home family safety issues, caused by a sizable criminal element from among the rampage of Biden-Harris ‘invited’ guests.

For starters, we need to firmly close our border entry points, both north and south.  Then clean up the serious (numbers & intent) criminal mess (both migrant and citizen!)  at loose within our heretofore law-abiding America. Finally, we must expand and further energize our nation’s intelligence and security services (federal/state/local) to hunt down, imprison and expel anyone connected with planned domestic terrorist activities.

Marching orders: Close our borders, shut down migrant crime, find, smother, and stop any and all terrorist threats against our citizens, nation, and our sovereignty.  And we know well that there is only one way to see that all of this is accomplished, with America’s safety and security fully restored.  That vital life-line solution is to make darn certain that Donald Trump is elected President in November.  Failing that, our borders will never close, and our national sanity as a free people will likely never be restored. Without mincing words, then, it is imperative that you get out and Vote for Trump!


(Fact Sources:  Enormous number of criminals, of all types, who are now making America THEIR home via spectator.org, Deroy Murdock, 10-3-24; Senator Jim Jordan reference to illegals from national security threat countries via angreatness.com, AG Staff, 10-4-24; Trump comment on Harris’ blind eye to the on-going assault of migrants via breitbart.com, Neil Munro, 9-27-24; Canada border crossings into the U.S.  are increasing via breitbart.com; Bob Price, 8-25-24;  Broken immigration system the fault of Biden-Harris, not President Trump via nypost.com, Editorial Board, 9-27-24).