In Tribute To Herman Cain: Great American Patriot

Noted and highly respected black conservative leader, Herman Cain, died this past Thursday morning (7/30), with coronavirus reported to be a main contributing factor.  He was a multi-year survivor of an earlier bout with stage-4 cancer, which did not make his fight against the virus any easier. In fact, he’d spent almost a month on a ventilator in an Atlanta hospital, an indication that his battle was, indeed, a very difficult one.  Mr. Cain was 74.

Herman Cain led a remarkable life and career, rising from challenging beginnings to become a formidable Republican candidate for the presidential nomination in 2012 (losing out to Mitt Romney). Interesting speculation about how that election would have turned out had Cain been the Republican nominee.

Long-time friend K.T. McFarland spoke of his business expertise, when she remembered years back when “he took a bankrupt pizza chain, turned it around, and built Godfather’s Pizza into one of the most successful fast-food franchises in the country.”  He would go on to serve as president of the National Restaurant Association.  Looking back, for a moment, at that Republican presidential nomination run, McFarland said: “He was the Donald Trump candidate before Trump: a successful businessman, a Washington outsider, and a larger-than-life personality, with an extraordinary story.”

Wrote John McCormick in Friday’s Wall Street Journal: “Mr. Cain, who had a deep baritone voice and a comfortable stage presence, had during the course of his career also worked as a computer analyst, broadcaster, author, motivational speaker, and as a deputy chairman (and chairman) of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.”  He was also a devoted, life-long, man of God, serving as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta. Additionally, he had been currently serving as the co-chair of Black Voices for Trump, leaving a critically important void, especially at present.

Wrote President Trump of his good friend, in part: “Herman had an incredible career and was adored by everyone who met him.  He was a very special man, an American patriot.”

Conservatives across America lost a giant for our side with the departure from this earth of Herman Cain.  He was an esteemed leader, one who had actually worked in the free-enterprise private sector, for many years, and with great success (vs. way too many “permanent” members of Congress, who’ve never had to meet a real payroll and don’t know squat about business).  As such, Mr. Cain was dedicated to limited government, limited handouts (vs. personal responsibility), and limited taxes, all of which sounds especially welcome at a time when our nation faces the possible reversal of all of those elements, if the hard-core progressive-socialists were to prevail in November.

Concluding the mountain of tributes that have been written and voiced for Mr. Cain, President Trump’s articulate and impressive Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, wrote the following: “Herman Cain embodied the American Dream and represented the very best of the American spirit. We will never forget his legacy of grace, patriotism, and faith.”

Herman Cain (1945-2020):  A great man.  A great American.


(McFarland quotes & career data via, K.T. McFarland, 7-30-20; Cain’s career via The Wall Street Journal, John McCormick, 7-31-20; President Trump quote via, Morgan Phillips, 7-30-20; Associate minister via, Ebony Bowden, 7-30-20; McEnany quote via, Tyler Olson, 7-30-20).