Miracle 2024

Referring, of course, to the attempted assassination of former President Trump last Saturday, which you all either witnessed live on television, or saw over and over again via replays: Because he turned his head slightly to look at a chart; Because he instinctively ducked down after instantly realizing that those … read more

Good News Americans #12

Tallahassee, Florida student E’leese Shelton graduated from high school last month.  So did thousands of others.  So then, what makes her special?  Well, let’s start with the fact that she graduated at the age of 12!  E’leese’s mom said she knew she was special at the age of two. She … read more

Independence Day 2024

The annual July 4th celebrations throughout the nation, for the vast majority of our citizens (and of no concern to the 10-million-plus illegal migrants who shouldn’t be here), is traditionally the day of joy-filled, often boisterous, family and communal activities, with the central focus on food (beer, hamburgers, hot dogs, … read more