Some Positive, Reassuring Stuff #2

Like many American teens, Mike Wimmer of Salisbury, North Carolina, is also

looking forward to high school graduation.  But Mike is quite different from most

upcoming graduates.  In addition to earning his H.S. diploma as senior class

valedictorian, and, thanks to dual-enrollment, he will also be graduating with

an earned associate’s degree from a near-by community college, also at the top of his

class with a 4.0 GPA.  Outstanding academic work achieved at two

institutions simultaneously. An absolutely terrific performance.  But there’s

something else you need to know about this rather amazing young man.  Mike

Wimmer is just 12-years-old!!


Mike’s heavily into robotics.  His parents (who must be outstanding themselves)

got him his first iPad when he was just 18-months-old.  He began teaching himself

computer programming when he was 5!  Clearly, he had unusual mental

abilities and continued to excel. Remembered Mike: “I went through all of the

grades in school at a faster pace.  I’m like a sponge.  I take in knowledge very

fast.”  He also manages to get along well with his fellow classmates. They even

nominated him to the Homecoming Court in his junior year. As for his near-term

future, Mike is now deciding whether to go on to college for his bachelor’s

degree or to accept a fellowship offered to him to continue work on his own start-

up company, which, to-date, is said to combine social media with ‘Internet of

Things’ devices.  Particularly notable is that 12-year-old Mike already

supports and takes pride in America’s men and women in uniform. Said he: “If

what I can provide protects or gives an advantage to our troops and brings just one soldier

home safely to their family, then my efforts are well worth it.” Our best wishes to Mike

Wimmer who appears to already be perhaps the smartest and youngest American

patriot in the land!


When military veteran Burnie Sutter turned 100-years of age in Frisco, Texas, the towns

folks honored him as about 100 vehicles (appropriate) drove by cheering him, as he

watched outside the assisted living facility where he now resides. Mr. Sutter, a

former Army heavy-weapons machine gunner, came ashore at Normandy on June 6, 1944,

and although he made it safely through that past ordeal, sadly, now, he’s among

the precious few of our Greatest Generation veterans still with us. Said Desert Storm

veteran, John Miller: “There’s not many WW II vets left. So, we definitely wanted to

honor him on his birthday and show him that there’s still a lot of people out here that still

care, still appreciate what he did.”  Mr. Sutter’s daughter was certain her Dad realized that

this parade of supporters, this celebration of his life, was all for him. Said she: “I can tell he knows

that it’s for him.  That just makes my heart feel good.”  Congratulations to one-century-young

Burnie Sutter, veteran extraordinaire.


Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) credits his ultimate success in life to his ‘praying momma,’ to the boundless opportunities available to all in America, and to John Moniz, a Chick-fil-A owner/operator in North Charleston, SC, located near where the Senator grew up. The mentorship provided by that gentleman began simply and grew to last for many years.  Recalled Senator Scott: “I used to go to the Chick-fil-A and get french fries all the time. One day, Mr. Moniz asked me why I always bought just the fries and not the sandwich.  I told him the fries were cheaper.”  Later on, that gentleman brought a Chick-fil-A sandwich to the movie theater where the Senator was working.  A conversation started and the mentorship was born from that day forward. Said the Senator’s press secretary: “John taught him biblical principles and conservative values; he transformed his way of thinking.”  Remembered the Senator: “He taught me that if you want to receive, you have to first give.  Embedded in that conversation, I came to realize was the concept that my mother was teaching me about individual responsibility.  John was simply saying that enlightened self-interest requires you to give first, and then the receiving part takes care of itself.” Senator Scott concluded his fond praise for the man who had such a positive, lasting impact on him: “In my life, not only did John Moniz transform my thinking, but he changed my life.”  A great testimonial for the power of positive teaching and reinforcement that a caring mentor can have on a young teenager.  And in this special case, one who grew up to be a very successful, influential U.S. Senator, and role-model.


And another heart-warming story about the impact that a caring adult can have on the life of a young man, in this case, one who was underprivileged and homeless. Mr. Alcide Dominique owned a used car business in Opelousas, Louisiana, a community that could be described as probably far from up-scale.  As such, it wasn’t unusual for Mr. Dominique to arrive at work in the morning and find a person or two sleeping in one of his cars or, on this particular morning, sleeping on the porch of his business.  But this particular young man, Jamie, was “very kind and was just happy to be with people who were…treating him like a human being,” recalled Mr. Dominique.  So, he decided to take Jamie to get a hot meal, got him a room for that night at a local motel and even bought some basic supplies for him.  Realizing that other folks in town and beyond might also want to help this unassuming young man. Mr. Dominique set up a Go-Fund-Me page for him.  To-date, it had raised over $23,000, meaning that Jamie didn’t have to go back on the streets. Said Mr. Dominique of the response: “I mean the generosity of so many people…who just trusted us…is amazing to me.  I think I would be kind of skeptical myself about sending money to a complete stranger.  And that’s where I’m inspired.” People also sent Bibles, clothing and supplies, as the story spread. The goal, of course, is to do whatever is needed to help Jamie stay off the streets long-term. Concluded Mr. Dominique: “You have to ask yourself what’s important in life.  Is it getting off work at five o’clock and going home to watch TV, or is it me getting off work at five to go check on somebody and see if they’re OK?”  This story ended up helping and inspiring both individuals, Jamie, of course, but also that Louisiana car dealer who cared enough to assist someone in need.


In Mount Vernon, New York, police responded to the call from a Dollar Tree store regarding an apparent shoplifting in progress.  The subject was a homeless man who was trying to steal socks. The officers arrived, confronted the apparent thief, but, with the approval of the manager, did not arrest him. Not only that, but the officers ended up chipping in the $15 needed to purchase the socks. Their generosity and understanding was triggered by the fact that the individual openly admitted that he was, indeed, attempting to steal the merchandise. Unusual confrontation, but a case where the police officers made a caring judgment call, by not only going easy on the alleged offender, but actually purchasing the socks for him. The police department later made the following post on FB: “Mount Vernon is a fiercely hard-working community that never gets the positive attention it needs. These positive incidents happen every day in our city, not only with the police, but also with our other municipal employees and with our business partners.”


And on a final potential positive note for this edition, Sacramento, California’s city manager has actually proposed a $9.4-million increase (+5.7%) in the city’s upcoming police department budget, in order to fund five new officers, essential additional equipment, and needed computer upgrades. Several major cities have reduced police budgets (“defunded”), as we all know, but reportedly 24 cities have increased their fiscal 2021 law enforcement spending, including Atlanta, Omaha, and Phoenix.  As you might suspect, there is objection to the planned Sacramento increase, from both on and off the city council.  Sacramento is the state’s capital city, where image and calm are essential, so it is hoped that those law enforcement expansion dollars will remain when final decisions are made.


(Mike Wimmer stats & quotes via, Carly Stern, 4-28-21; Burnie Sutter stats & quote via, Amy Furr, 4-12-21; Senator Scott stats & quotes via, Audrey Conklin, 4-30-21; Louisiana assistance stats & quotes via, Daniella Genovese, 5-2-21; Socks stats & quote via, Mark Lungariello, 5-3-21; Sacramento police budget increase stats via, Peter Aitken, 5-1-21).