Second Nature (2025)

Unknown to our citizenry in years and centuries past, under leftist-progressive domination (federal and/or aligned states), there are supposedly now two ‘natures’ here in America.  The first, the legitimate and actual one, is administered by Mother Nature and her Heavenly Host.  This one is very much influenced here on earth by the alignment with the sun, the remaining solar system, impact of the oceans, etc.   This ‘Nature’ is the one that, as we know, brings us the four seasons each year, and is the one operating totally free of influence or impact of any kind from earthbound mankind!

Then, there is supposed ‘nature’ #2, the hocus-copus imaginary version, termed by lefties, “Climate Change,” introduced to us originally as “Global Warming” but, as you’ll recall, make-believe #2 had to be rebirthed to cover temperature fluctuations up or down. It was determined here on earth that conjured-up #2 would deal with all matter of worldly atmospheric and traditional weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy wind & rain, snow, ice & cold, lightening, etc.  The stark difference, from ‘nature’ #1, is that, here, mankind has now been deemed totally responsible for creating these weather outcomes.  That is, to press the leftist point, all of the above are man-caused, as a result of our insistence on free-choice, meaning, of course, our self-centeredness today, rather than focusing concern for the survival of our future generations, both here, and in all other mankind-inhabited nations of carefree and apparent could-care-less contented peoples.

So, here we are today, where for realist humans in America and elsewhere, freely choosing to ignore the entitled leftist’s wokey-pokey (“put your left foot in…turn yourself around…that’s what it’s all about”), we, say they, are purposely accelerating the destruction of the world. And our biggest sin and failure: persisting in embracing fossil fuels for our earthly existence. Which, of course, in present and near-future times, means natural gas, oil, and coal which are absolutely essential for powering homes, buildings, government & private offices, businesses, manufacturers, cars, buses, trucks, emergency vehicles, military fighting equipment, ships, planes and trains. Other than all of that, really not so important!!

Our terribly naïve leftist anti-fossilliers seem content to think that solar ‘farms’ (using up enormous useful acreage) and windmills (on and offshore), the latter with headaches for the commercial fishing industry and objections from elites in shoreside housing, could be our earth-friendly energy future, ignore the fact that both sources of supplemental power combined generate 15% or less of our national need, and that’s only when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing (the natural kind that is, not the kind produced by past bloviators in D.C.). While America’s proud legacy of solution-directed research ingenuity, productivity and technological innovation may well develop future power resources apart from our current fossil fuel dependence, at the present time, the only dependable alternatives to the three primary fossils are hydro and nuclear.  You’ll recall that it was effectively decades (post-Chernobyl) before we could actually speak of nuclear power out loud in our country without being publicly silenced. Near term however, despite extensive cost and construction time, nuclear is, today, about the only dependable alternative to natural gas, oil, and coal.

The previous administration (said to be Obama’s third term) pushed heavily for consumer transitioning from gas powered vehicles to EV’s and replacing natural gas home appliances.  President Trump disagrees, thankfully, by reversing course back to actually promoting increased oil and gas drilling, while leaving our vehicles and home appliances alone.  The spotlight is now off EV conversion, given the comparative high cost of EV cars in this unfortunate age of high inflation, along with the nation-wide lack of EV charging stations (despite the Biden promise to construct millions of them) and wait time for charging on-the-road (compared to pump time), if one could even find an open one!  Referring to the multi-billion-dollar Hyundai EV auto manufacturing plant presently being completed just west of Savannah, an executive speaking to a Savannah Rotary Club luncheon indicated that the plant will be versatile enough to produce hybrid vehicles, as well as EV’s, as marketplace demand dictates. Given the national foot now off the consumer EV accelerator pedal in America, that is sage vision and preparation.

But, regardless, the media elites, and others, simply can’t take their finger off the man-made climate change hot button.  Last week, on the left-of-center ABC program, “The View,” a key panelist said that she was concerned “because people don’t seem to be taking climate change seriously.” Of all things, she was connecting climate change with the cause of the horrendous wildfires engulfing tens of thousands of acres, buildings, businesses, and homes in the Los Angeles area.  Well, my dear, there’s a solid reason for that.  Specifically, climate change had absolutely nothing to do with the start of those unfortunate fires.  In that case, state/city government leaders there were responsible for delayed action addressing fighting the fires, and the same group were responsible for an empty area reservoir and insufficient water supply to adequately extinguish those fires at the start.

We don’t know for sure yet whether the ultimate cause(s) might have been a power company tower or lines, or amateur arsonists, or lightning. What we do know is that it wasn’t anything in the atmosphere, from oil or gas-powered vehicles or appliances, etc., that was in any way the cause of those California fires.  That “View” connection, done specifically to hype renewed concern about supposed climate change, was likely merely an off-base assertion and another opportunity to damn the American public for, yet again, “not taking climate change seriously.”

We’ll take it seriously when it’s firmly proven to actually exist, by dedicated scientific research drawn from the centuries of earth and atmospheric data, research conducted by independent scientists, not those working under liberal-progressive-socialist pro-government control grants!  Wrote Barton Swaim recently on the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion page: “Were scientists really so confident they understood what was happening with sunbeams in the upper atmosphere, or that they knew how to gauge accurately the temperature of roughly 200-million square miles of the Earth’s surface, or that they knew how to compare present day temperatures with those from 100, 1,000, or 5,000 years ago?”  Mr. Swaim continued: “But what has convinced ordinary people that doomsayers are wrong isn’t the interpretation of climate figures. It is the palpable sense that very few of the doomsayers (actually) believe what they say.”

This leads to a question posed by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, who asked: “What happens when voters realize not millions, but trillions (of taxpayer dollars), doled out to the green lobby have had no effect on atmospheric CO2 levels or climate?  In fact, in the respected journal, American Association for the Advancement of Science, “a study found that of 1,500 ‘climate’ policies announced around the world, a mere 63, or 4%, produce any reduction in emissions.”

Common sense, driven by proven scientific reality, shows that the extremely expensive U.S. and foreign governmental chase for “climate change” harnessing and solutions continues to reveal seriously wasted gobs of taxpayer funds all in the primary objective of giving the liberal federal government more power and control, while our citizens might well face more expensive choices in vehicles and home comfort, at the literal price of individual freedom of choice.

That’s apparently of little or no concern to hard-boiled, wokey, literal head-in-the-clouds elitists, whether in government, media, and elsewhere, whose only consideration remains satisfaction of self, not nation.  For these firm believers in the non-reality theory of current atmospheric pollution being serious enough to bring on the imminent destruction of America and the planet, their obsessive belief in, and devotion to ‘climate change’ is regrettably their unshakable Second Nature.


(Fact Source:  “View’s” climate change in direct reference to the CA wildfires via, Pam Key, 1-14-25; Doomsdayers don’t actually believe what they say about climate changes’ impact via The Wall Street Journal, Barton Swaim, 1-28-25; Research study showed very low reduction in  CO2 or other emissions via The Wall Street Journal, Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., 11-20-24).