Bonkers, Blather, Blunders & Buffoons #42

To begin this edition of 4B’s, some of Mr. Biden’s aides have recently reportedly claimed to insiders that if he had remained in the Presidential race “he could’ve won a second term.”  Despite sinking poll number and his historically embarrassing performance in that memorable (perhaps miserable) debate with Mr. Trump, causing major Democrats to urge him to drop out, even Mr. Biden himself became convinced that he could’ve beaten Mr. Trump in this November’s election.   That daydream earns Mr. Biden (perhaps now the new solo fifth “B”) a naïve, pants-on-fire, award-worthy untruth, to lead off another beauty that now follows.

And, then, Number Two:  America, he claims is now better off than it was when he took office (2021).  Said the anointed one: “the one thing I’ve always believed about public service, and especially about the presidency, is the importance of asking yourself: Have we left the country in better shape than we found it?  Today I can say, with every fiber of my being, of all my heart, the answer to that question is a resounding Yes. We’re leaving America in a better place today than (when) we came here four years ago.”   Why, yes, in the same way that women’s athletics in our country is in a “far better place today” when confused transitional males in bras are permitted to participate and naturally outperform biological women and girls, whether on the track, on the court, in the ring, in the pool or lifting weights.  Men and boys in America have no earthly (legal) business competing in athletics against biological females, regardless of self-assumed “identity.”   We simply must preserve competitive biological gender fairness in women’s sports. Period.

Illegal immigration exploded during Mr. Biden’s reign: “The U.S. has seen it’s largest surge in migrant immigration in its history under the current administration, surpassing the Ellis Island-era (legal) migration boom that changed the face of the nation forever.”  We don’t need another face changing.  The mass deportation plan under almost-President Trump is exactly the correct antidote to help erase the overwhelming migrant travesty of the last four years.  Illegal federal actions have been permitted, and encouraged, purely for liberal political purposes, at the expense, of the safety and security of America’s taxpayers.

Homelessness in America rose by 18% in 2024 “driven mostly by a lack of affordable housing, as well as devastating natural disasters, and a surge of migrants in several parts of the country.”  Adding sharply to that now very early 2025, and speaking of devastating, are the wildfires in Southern California, primarily around the Los Angeles area, predicted to be the most costly in U.S. history, with the resulting carnage projected to cost $100-billion and counting.  Lives lost and massive property destruction.  The reality is that the state did not make adequate preparations, with regard to proper forestry practices, equipment, personnel and adequate fire prevention planning and funding.  Ignoring reality, some wikified non-science-based West Coast liberals are now blaming the fires on man-caused ‘climate change,’ of course, placing the blame, once again, on that warn-out, looney-tunes, deceptive, politically-invented mirage.

Returning for a moment to illegal immigration, it’s now being reported that “of the 410 terror suspects stopped at a U.S. land border in 2024 (Biden’s finale), 87% came from Canada.”  Incoming (please hurry up!) American President Trump is preparing to order 25% tariffs against both Canada and Mexico to deal with weak border security.  Said he: “This tariff will remain in effect until such time as drugs (particularly fentanyl), and all illegal aliens are made to stop this invasion of our Country.”  Fentanyl, as you know, is killing an alarming number of young Americans each year. And the illegal migrants are costing our taxpayers mega-billions annually.  Whether arriving from Mexico, Canada, or internationally via Biden Express, our new backbone-equipped national leader will rapidly put a stop to the incoming and provide outgoing transportation to millions of the newly unwelcome over the months to come.  Meanwhile, legal immigrants will continue to be welcomed, those who are qualified and who have waited patiently for the privilege of becoming legal Americans.

Now, from trans-coastal to transexual, unbelievably, in the AP vote for Female Athlete of the Year, female division Olympic Gold Medal winning boxer Imane Khelif placed Third for 2024, receiving 4 votes from AP sports journalists. Not surprisingly, Caitlin Clark finished first as Female Athlete of the Year, while Olympic gymnast Simone Biles captured second place. There’s only one gigantic problem with the third place winner….Imane Khelif is a biological MALE.  Who in their right mind among AP’s sports writers would cast 4 votes for a well-established Male in a distinguished Female Athlete of the Year contest?  Answer: No one in his or her right mind!  Unless, perhaps, those four thought a male boxing against a female was perfectly fine. This just in: it’s not!

Among “The Most Absurd Things Americans Had to Endure This Year,” suggests a writer for The Federalist, was this one.  Top Democrats “orchestrated the soft coup that got rid of the left’s leading obstacle to keeping the White House,” enabling Mr. Biden to bask in the momentary glow of having ‘voluntarily’ put “patriotism above party,” or so the left-leaning media assured us. One of those who may have encouraged Mr. Biden to choose patriotism over party was reportedly U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi who seemingly made the suggestion that Mr. Biden’s likeness belonged up there with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore.  Said the distinguished Congresswoman: “Such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States” who was “at the top of his game.” While there’s both no room, nor any earthly justification whatsoever, to conceive of soon-to-be former president Biden being placed on Mount Rushmore, or anywhere, alongside those heroic and historically significant past U.S. presidents, perhaps his likeness could be placed atop a mountain somewhere distant in tribute to his consistent choice of his wokey-dokey party and self-interest over the nation’s patriotism and security.  Just a thought.

Most of us can still remember the January 6, 2021 massive citizen surge on the Capital, blamed on the second term defeat of then-President Trump, where the only fatality (an unarmed protester) was caused by a Capitol police officer (never charged), but many protesters were jailed despite their right to freedom of assembly and speech.  Re-elected President Trump reportedly plans to have those non-violent citizens imprisoned released upon taking office. American citizens who should never have been locked up at all, were it not for the incoming reign back then of increasingly pressured hard-left new chief executive Mr. Biden. Now, with shoes on the other political feet, in a stunning charge by a panelist on ABC’s hard-left program “The View,” who has a far different interpretation of our history.  Said she, that we should not “move on” from the January 6th events because, it “was one of the worst moments on American history. You know, like World War II, the Holocaust, and slavery.” Oh, my, dear lady, World War II?  You mean when American military forces were drawn into a prolonged two-hemisphere battle to save world freedom, after   Japanese forces attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor?  Or does she think that America started World War II?  It was a devastating global conflict, as to a lesser geographic degree was World War I.  In both instances, heroic American troops helped turn the intense world conflicts back to freedom and peace.  Then she mentioned the Holocaust, as if America was somehow to blame or was even negatively involved!  The ‘credit’ for that catastrophic human disaster and indignity belongs solely to Germany’s deranged Adolph Hitler, with assistance from some of his nearby politically allied nations.  Slavery we do get, but early America was hardly the first or only international nation involved in this human travesty.  The carnage of the U.S. Civil War would certainly be one of the worst moments in our history, along with the time in office of at least a few U.S. presidents.  Her publicly aired assertion about the supposed dishonor of our nation is both vague (World War II) and absurd (Holocaust).  Slavery?  Yes, we must accept responsibility for that generational wrong here, eliminated eventually by the costly battle known as the Civil War, truly one of the “worst moments in American history.”  More time spent here on her statement than it’s worth.

And finally, public school teacher candidates in the State of New Jersey are no longer required to pass “a basic reading, writing, and mathematics test” to be eligible for school classroom employment there.  The reason:  Difficulty in recruiting enough teachers. A significant issue for many cities and states. With no easy solutions.  Some have even gone to hiring non-certified parents as substitute teachers.  Reportedly, Arizona now allows future teachers to be hired even before college graduation.  This is a serious nationwide problem, unlikely to be solved, long term, by lowering classroom instruction qualifications and standards. One potential solution does stand out, however:  Increase teacher pay high enough to make that badly needed profession far more attractive to those who might well consider that critically important field, in dedicated service to the highly important present and future educational requirements of our cities, states, and nation.


(Fact Sources: Biden thinks he could’ve won the election if not forced out by his own party via, Rich Calder, 12-28-24; Biden is convinced that the U.S. is in “better shape” now, thanks to his presidency via, Wendell Husebo, 12-16-24;  Massive illegal immigration since 2020 the largest in American history via, Ronny Reyes & Jennie Taer, 12-11-24; Homelessness up 18% in 2024, now made worse by the California wildfires via, Mike LaChance, 12-28-24;  Vast majority of actual terror suspects were stopped at the Canadian border in 2024 via, Tristan Hopper, 12-1-24; Male Olympic boxer places third in the Female Athlete of the Year contest via, Mary Chastain, 12-26-24; Mrs. Pelosi envisions Mr. Biden on mount Rushmore via, M.D. Kittle, 12-24-24; ABC panelist statement about America’s “worst moments” via, Pam Key, 1-6-2025; New Jersey reduces academic requirements for prospective public school teachers via,  Katherine Hamilton, 1-7-2025).