Another Illegal Migrant Concern: Illegal Voting For The Democrat’s Free Stuff In November.
As you all well know, for the last 3+ years, under the progressive ‘come one, come all’ Biden administration, in direct violation of long-existing federal immigration laws, our America has been faced with purposeful open borders, resulting in a continuing daily surge of illegal migrants, often in the thousands, from around the world, in effect, a ‘thundering herd’, if you will, with no slight intended to Marshall University’s fine athletic teams, who represent the ‘herd’ positive!
These administration-welcomed illegals, to date, now number, we’re told, in excess of 10-million, composed of those checked-in by overwhelmed Customs and Border Patrol personnel and those whom cartels have been paid to sneak across our southern border undetected. As you would suspect, these massive numbers of illegal migrants, comprised of military-age men (!), women & children, need to be fed, housed, medically treated (arriving with illnesses), educated (English language), financially supported (on going), and otherwise cared for. All at the expense of local, state, and federal tax funds, supplied, without approval, by America’s citizen taxpayers!
And those cumulative expenses can quickly become overwhelming. Case in point, in New York City alone, the hotels there that have been converted into illegal migrant ‘shelters’ and, as such, “have been given over $1billion in taxpayer money (to date) to keep them in business.” Overall, for migrant care, the city has reportedly spent about $4.88 billion to date in the “mass migration crisis.”
And, in many cases, it’s not just the cost alone that is overwhelming America’s cities and towns. It can also be the sheer number of illegal migrants continuing to show up at the city gate, which relates directly back to municipal costs. Perhaps an extreme example of ‘piling on,’ huge numbers of migrants, primarily Haitians, have been showing up in staggering numbers in the town of Springfield, Ohio (west of Columbus). Springfield is/was a town of 60,000 population. However, the Haitian immigrant horde has now grown to as many as 20,000, overwhelming both citizen residents and local government leaders. Sufficient housing has become a major issue for city officials. For instance, it hasn’t been that unusual, apparently, for a three-bedroom home to house as many as 20 Haitian immigrants. Said one elected official: “This self-imposed (by the federal government) disaster is crushing the job prospects of our citizens, making it more difficult for Ohio families to find homes, and draining social service programs.” And, of course, whether Haitian or otherwise, as word filters back to their original countries of origin that America is the land of milk and mostly honey (i.e., unending free stuff), it encourages even more to make the trek here. If, with a hoped-for new administration, the federal government would begin deporting, at least known (criminal) undesirables, it might help slow down, heaven help us, even stop the illegal rush to America.
Something that our elected Members of Congress need to keep a close eye on, are the new special social service programs, established by the administration, aimed at making it “almost assured that they (enrolled Illegals) are never deported’! Add to that, in general, as the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley has written: “The White House knows that an overwhelming majority of the people coming aren’t fleeing persecution but are economic migrants gaming our asylum laws. They know that there will be no serious effort to deport people whose claims are denied.” Therein lies a fundamental problem caused by open borders and a politically driven administration.
Other issues besides the enormous cost to support, and the sheer number of illegal migrants seeking and receiving permission to enter our country, are the increases in metropolitan crime, too-often involving illegals, from pick pockets, to retail robberies (sometimes by gangs), to the even more serious charges of rape and murder. It seems like almost every day, in the conservative print media at least, there are reports of illegals charged with serious crimes, again, from a mob of retail robbers cleaning out one or more stores, to the extreme of murder following a rape. Then there is another concerning national security problem making the conservative news of various efforts, lately, by foreign nationals, here illegally, attempting to talk or force their way onto one of our military installations (perhaps just an advance test run). An example from just two months ago, when two men, thought to be Jordanian, first tried to lie their way into the Quantico Marine Corps base (35 miles outside Washington, D.C.) “claiming they were Amazon delivery men.” MP’s ushered them to an area for a secondary inspection. At which point, they attempted to ram their way onto the base. The two illegal intruders were stopped, thankfully, and cited for trespassing on federal property and jailed. That’s but one example of illegal foreigners with no doubt dangerous, illegal intent, to include possibly terrorism. And, one day, tragically and far sooner than we would like, terror-intending illegals, allowed in, or having snuck in through our wide open southern (or northern) border may possibly attempt another 9-11-style attack on our homeland, hoping to destroy enough public property/structures, and/or murder as many innocent Americans as possible. Hate to be that negative, but we are kidding ourselves to think that the bad guys aren’t already here with plans for great harm to our nation. With total responsibility falling into the laps of the Biden administration with their devil-may-care open border policies, created purely for future Democrat voter political motives, regardless of the harm that may possibly, or likely, come to our nation. And to make you feel even less secure about this possibility, these words of zero comfort from Thomas Homan, former acting director of ICE, under President Trump: “Thousands of terrorists in the world are not found in any database. That is why we need to end catch-and-release and re-establish the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.” OK, we’ve been warned. Time for heightened security by all federal agencies and local law enforcement…plus our prayers.
Which brings us at last to our title and main concern: Illegals voting in our November election! Are the Democrats capable of federal election scheming and outright fraud? Why yes, they are, especially with their thirst for retaining power (forever!) and the apparent continuing forced march of America away from a Constitutional Republic (i.e., so called Democracy) and individual freedoms, to a Socialist-Fascist (Communist?) nation with a dominating central government, having self-imposed unlimited power and control, at the expense of individual freedoms. Think China, Russia, North Korea & Iran!
There are still justified suspicions about the existence of fraud on the part of Democrat operatives during the 2020 election (e.g., large Trump lead election night, supposed computers’ issue/shut down, observers go home, transfer of same large lead to Biden by morning), leading to a very damaging four-years for Americans domestically, and for international relations, as well. For November 2024, and beyond, Americans want and deserve free and fair national elections.
The reason for concern, this time around, is that, by administration dictate, all federal agencies with local offices throughout the nation have been told to register-to-vote as many illegals as possible when they come in for other business! That’s correct. Now, whether they actually do try to vote is another matter, but they will be signed up to do so if they choose to try. California, for instance, provides voting registration whenever anyone obtains a CA driver’s license. There may now be other states doing that as well. Yes, citizen proof is required if you vote in person, but there is no way to prove that if a remote ballot box is used, or with mail-in ballots, or if ‘ballot harvesting’ (campaign worker goes door to door collecting unused ballots and filling them out and depositing them!) is a part of the ballot distribution mix. Sadly, some municipalities actually send ballots blindly to all thought-to-be residents, including the deceased or have moved away. “The existence of so many illegal migrants in U.S. cities (perhaps incentivized), helps Democrats build an emergency reserve of ballots via fraudulent registrations. Those illegal ballots can later be smuggled into the ballot boxes or mail-in voting.”
Recently, the House Republicans made an attempt to force the issue within “The SAVE Act” by requiring that voters must prove their identity as a U.S. citizen in all federal elections via driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, or other legal picture ID’s. Makes good sense for all wanting fair and valid elections. All except Democrats in the House, who succeeded in voting it down (had it passed both Houses, Mr. Biden had promised to veto it). Said one of their team as a reason for defeat, falling back on past long-racism: “This is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax.” Some Democrats apparently continue to believe, that in 2004, minority Americans can’t easily prove who they are, that is, they would not have access to a driver’s license or other legitimate photo ID (available at no cost in virtually all municipalities), which in itself would seem to be racist!
To wrap up this discussion of illegal immigration issues and their potential, let’s make that, their likely use in the upcoming national election, so as to influence the outcome in favor of Democrat candidates, through illegal voting (and perhaps other election day mayhem, oh, like “unexpected” computer malfunctions!). Wrote Derek Hunter ( “Democrats have their priorities, not a single one of which is American citizens. They want illegals (because) they need more people dependent on the government.” Does that dependency theme seem like full Socialism, or worse?
Todd Bensman with the Center for Immigration Studies, and the author of Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History, contributed these thoughts from his article “An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining”: “Our politicians know these actions (e.g., enforce current immigration laws and deport illegal entrants, and restore ‘Remain in Mexico’ until granted asylum, etc.) are the ones needed. The problem is not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of political will. Too many of our elected leaders have selfish reasons to let the border crisis continue, no matter what their constituents demand. Whether they will be able to continue in their inactions is in the hands of the American people.” That is, of course, our elections.
And finally, commentary from author Star Parker (“Biden’s Democracy Smoke Screen”): “What really interests Biden is growing government to advance his left-wing agenda, thereby diminishing individual freedom. The founders of our country conceived of a nation rooted in core truths which, by limiting government, would enable individual liberty. They would not recognize our politicized nation today, under this administration.”
Let us all hope that the Progressive Democrat objective of maximized government and minimized citizen freedom is in no way advanced in this upcoming election, with, hopefully, zero fraudulent voting efforts, and certainly zero outcome impact from any orchestrated assistance efforts to have illegal migrants attempt to illegally vote.
(Fact Sources: New York City hotel housing costs alone for migrants, and overall NYC taxpayer expenses via, Eric Lendrum, 7-8-24; Haitian immigrants, by sheer number, overwhelm Springfield, Ohio via, Warner Todd Huston, 7-10-24; Administration social service programs almost guaranteeing that enrolled illegal migrants will never be deported via, John Binder, 7-7-24; No serious effort to deport via Simon Hankinson, 5-23-24; Probable terrorists attempt to enter U.S. military installations via, Todd Bensman, 5-13-24; Thomas Homan on the terrorist threat via, Virginia Allen, 6-13-24; Democrats defeat House voter ID bill as racist via, Neil Munro, 7-10-24; “Not sure Democrats could be anymore evil” via, Derek Hunter, 4-8-24; “An immigration crisis beyond imagining” via, Todd Bensman, January, 2024; “Biden’s Democracy Smoke Screen” via, Star Parker, 5-29-24).