America is Blessed (2025)

Thanks to the God-provided return of sanity and reality among the majority of citizen voters, grown ever so tired of the inept, self-serving, and failed leadership, nationally and within some diminished states/cities, we can return the word ‘great’ to the label of our nation once again, with the overwhelming  re-election of proven capable, America First leader, President Donald Trump, predicting a second term even more dynamic, fair, productive, and security-providing than his first, which was a strong one.  We are just so incredibly blessed that he, and not WokeLand administrator, Mrs. Harris, will be taking the Oath of Office on January 20th!

Here, a few days before even being sworn in, President Trump’s bold and dominate influence, along with the on-site aid of his unofficial envoy, has managed to secure the release of several American and Israeli hostages held for way too many months by Hamas.  And again, before he was officially President!  On the other hand, unequipped to lead Mrs. Harris, manipulated by an unseen cluster of elite progressive wokies, as was Mr. Biden before her, would have further diminished America’s now-lowered image, admiration, and faded prestige, internationally, and here at home, with her insistent choice of verbal ‘spaghetti’ responses, rather than actual credible answers to direct reporter inquiries. No question, a mature America is ready for a future first woman president, just not this one.  The United States would need and deserve a woman leading us with the known national-level capability, verbal and otherwise, of Britain’s Margaret Thatcher.  That’s the genuine ‘star power’ such would require, female or male, as some recent years have proven.

Had, heaven forbid, Mrs. Harris somehow won this recent national election, with the increasingly leftist-socialist Democrat elite and media having, again, snookered a majority of voters among us by conjuring up negatives about America, would have simply continued and intensified.  We can begin with the further erosion of America’s historic culture and domestic stability. Legal immigrants of old (and today) assimilated to American ways and legalities, learned the English language, learned about our history, found employment, and eventually became citizens, by completing a test, all of which is the proper and legal way.  This, thankfully, now-past administration preferred to welcome migrants, the illegal way, desiring to politically and intentionally simply grant citizenship, without waiting for any of our traditionally required procedures to apply.  The Biden administration-encouraged rampage of illegal migrants over the past four-years has been costly, particularly in healthcare, schooling, subsistence handouts, law enforcement and other forms of domestic security, which has all unfairly tagged the U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars annually. With the illegal migrant welcome mats now withdrawn from both our southern and northern borders, and with ‘Biden Air’ free transport stopped, we will at long last return to caring for our citizens and their needs first, while thoroughly protecting and closing our borders, allowing only legal entry. Let the massive deportations begin, while muffling the wailing of the anti-America lefties. And by all means, continue to encourage legal immigrant prospects with needed language, productive skills, and the genuine desire to become legal Americans in an effort to enhance the wellbeing of our nation.

After the necessary protective migrant relocation cleansing, we can turn the nation’s attention back to combating the serious metropolitan and border area criminal gangs and cartels issues.  Causing drug and people trafficking, along with citizen safety, these mini-mob law breakers must be broken up, jailed, and/or deported for the safety and security of our America. This includes finding and annihilating the foreign and domestically influencing terrorists, allowed in, or snuck in, hopefully before they can deliver any more tragic actions to our nation.  This is a major must do mission for our protection.

Then there’s inflation, heightened by the now past administration as the direct result of outrageous federal spending, too much of which has gone to chasing phantasy ‘climate change’ causes, along with millions of dollars of U.S. cash going to enticing, or purely political, overseas follies, and enterprising friends of the ruling elites here at home.  With millions of wage earners here battling to stay financially afloat each week, it must be a critical mission, along with all else truly critical in the wake of the political predecessors’ misadministration, to bring inflationary costs for food, fuel, and other household necessities down to more manageable family levels.

Also on the critical needs list for President Trump is the repair, political cleansing, and rebuilding of our military forces, both manpower numbers and needed quantity/quantity of modernized military equipment. Recruiting goals among the service branches have failed to meet expectations for most of these past four years.  Returning to Merit vs. Woke DEI as the standard for selection, training, promotion and leadership are vital to our forces getting back to true, strong American defense readiness, both for military members in uniform and DOD military civilians. With the expectation of fighting, if need be, not simply to participate, but to win! Expect this important shift in direction to happen in the months ahead in order to better fulfill President Trump’s long-held mantra for America of “Peace Through (Dominant) Strength!!

There are certainly other pressing needs, but this review hits most of the immediate searches and actions required for a cure to our many current ills. We are indeed blessed as a nation to achieve and welcome the return of President Trump.  Failure of that thankful electorate outcome is simply unthinkable for our nation’s near-term survival, as otherwise, socialism (and worse) would have rapidly replaced capitalism, democracy and our very future as a free, secure and independent America.

The normal politically correct practice, when dealing with a departing individual or team, is to sincerely wish them well. In this case, on behalf of the thinking, rational, and very thankful majority of American voters, that task is perhaps more appropriately handled, in this case, by wishing Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris, and their key cohorts, a stern & ever so insincere:  Be Gone!!